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The Tempest: Nation Building By Shakespeare

Essay Instructions:

3-page Essay: Two times during the semester, you will have to complete a formal (informative,

insightful and typed)writing assignment of about 2 to 3 pages. These are the assignments

Essay One: Pick one(or several)of the novels, stories or films from your list of assignments

and relate the issues addressed in the work to how you understand the idea of Empire and

nation building. Here are some ideas: You can ask yourself, for example, how the writers or

filmmakers reflect ideas of their time; How do those ideas hold meaning today? What kinds of

ideas seem to have changed and what ideas seem to be still present in the way we act and

think today? How do filmmakers transcribe the era they depict into their own time and what

effect does this have How do sexism, racism, desire for private property, religion and other

issues influence the idea of a national identity? Choose what is interesting to you, research

your topic and make sure you use clear examples from the text or film and from your

experience when describing what you think in your essay. Make sure you use MLA or

Chicago style-sheet conventions when quoting and referencing

I chose to do "the tempst" by shakespeare

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Tempest: Nation building
The Tempest, written approximately around 1611, conveys power struggles between individuals who wanted to a deserted island. William Shakespeare wrote the play at a time when England was developing into a colonial power to match other European powers such as along Portugal, France, and Spain. Through the various characters, The Tempest displays how power and magic were used to establish nations. However, it is the same power that makes close friends fight for leadership. Nevertheless, the establishment of nations and empires was mainly men oriented as women were deprived of opportunities. Consequently, this paper seeks to analyze Shakespeare’s ideas of nation building as presented in “The Tempest”
The Tempest presents power as the main element of building nations and empires. This is well illustrated when Prospero arrives to Sycorax’s island, conquers it, and rules it by imposing his own norms and thoughts on the natives of the land. He goes as far as making Caliban work for him as a servant and calls him a thing of darkness. As a result, The Tempest tries to assert the notion that in any nation there are people who dominate while others only exist to be dominated (Knight, p 13). This is true as every nation around the world has the wealthy that have the power to influence the running of the nation. Consequently, the poor are subjected to the rules set by the mighty inform of wages.
However, the act of building nations entails more than just acquiring power. Even though one may obtain power, he/she can never be sure of what his friends or relatives think. Prospero's brother conspired to banish Prospero from Milan. He incites Alonso's brother, Sebastian, to kill the sleeping king and become the ruler of Naples. On the other hand, although he is servant, Caliban keeps insisting that the island is his; “This islan...
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