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Teaching Foreign Dignitaries: There is confusion by Fauset

Essay Instructions:

Your task is to use the 6 works and explain why they are representative of Modernism. Organize your discussion so as to illuminate trends in modernist techniques and themes, and how those elements reflect social and historical contexts, considering such issues as race, class, and gender.

Your audience is a group of foreign dignitaries interested in learning about American Modernist literature and American culture during that period. Since English is not their first language, your writing must be clear, focused, well-organized, logical, and engaging.

World War I and its Aftermath: “Hemingway's “Letter of August 18, 1918, to His Parents”: From Fauset's There Is Confusion

Modernist Manifestos: Loy's “Feminist Manifesto”: From Pound's A RetrospectT. S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

Wallace Stevens's "Sunday Morning" and "The Idea of Order at Key West"Zora Neale Hurston's “How It Feels to Be Colored Me”

Langston Hughes' From The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain; “I, Too,”

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Teaching Foreign Dignitaries
Modernist literature developed in the early nineteenth century due to increasing industrialization and globalization. It characterized fiction writing and poetry necessitated by new technologies and events like the World War 1. Most writers were trying new ways of expression and representation and most of the articles were about the status of the World during this period. Modernist literature spoke about aspects such as the decline of civilization and increased capitalism by incorporating irony and satire in the narrations (Randall, 824-835). The essay seeks to look at and analyze various articles written in the American modernist literature and the how it influenced the American culture.
Hemingway’s letter of August 18, 1918 to his Parents
Hemingway uses dark irony and sarcasm, but still maintains seriousness in sharing about the hard times of War with his parents in the letter. He writes about his personal experiences in the war as opposed to previous writers who wrote about war, but were never near the line of fire. He shows serious effects of war such as being hit by a bullet and goes on to use irony to explain that it’s only dangerous if the bullets hit you. Hemingway highlights his bravery and courage during the war as he got shot getting an injured soldier to safety. He, however doesn’t take credit for this. As opposed to other articles written about war, the letter is direct and to the point which put a lot of reality in it. Hemingway attempts not to worry his parents through the use of irony in the early parts of the letter, but follows it up with serious personal experiences and even shares the injuries he sustained in battle. He shows the dark side of war as opposed to the beautiful side that had been shared by previous articles (Randall, 824-835). He puts into perspective the reality of being gassed and its devastating effects in war.
The letter characterizes modernist literature through the use of sarcasm, irony and directness. We are also able to get an insight about the history America in World War 1 through the personal experiences of a soldier in battle. The letter further shows patriotism in soldiers who are ready to risk their lives for the safety and protection of the many citizens.
There is confusion by Fauset
Fauset highlights the importance of kingship and origin as he attempts to clear the confusion associated with black and white races. During this period, the black race was considered inferior to the white and some even thought of it being evil. The author focuses on a beautiful black lady struggling to make it as a singer and dancer in a world her race and gender were against her. He shows the lady’s determination to be successful regardless of all the obstacles. The author then shares the story of a white lady who went against her race and social class by falling in love and marrying a black man. The book is written at a time racism was the order of the day in America and especially the mistreatment and disregard of the black race (Gikandi, 419-424). The author in his narration shows that the people of the black race can be as successful as their white counterparts. He advocates against categorizing the society into classes based on their race and gender. He further advocates for women to be independent and be able to make their own decisions like marrying who they want even if from the opposite race
The article brings into perspective racism that had characterized the American society during this period. It also showed aspects of male chauvinism and complete disregard for the wishes of women.
Loy’s “Feminist Manifesto”
The author Mina Loy, attempts to empower women in the article. She notes that women should stop considering themselves inferior to men and secluding themselves to specific “feminine roles” like cooking and taking care of the kids. She seeks to change how the society portrays women and advises the women to fight for equality. She shares that for women to achieve this they will be required to fight with all their might and make sacrifices so as not to settle for bare minimum (Maude, 193-195). The article is written underlining and highlighting important words to put more emphasis. During this period, women always came second to men and all their choices and decisions were pegged on what men wanted. The article attempts to transform women social and artistic status. She further seeks to get the women to rise against the women through revolutions and for the women to be independent and have their own identities free of the men. She advocates for women to diversify their roles in the society from the normal “mistress and mother” and hence achieve greater individual freedom.
The article shows the struggles women have had since history to have their voices heard and be recognized in the society. It enables us to understand the American culture in the treatment of the wome...
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