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Research Assignment: Factors that Lead to College Drug Use

Essay Instructions:

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this is some work I did to prepare this eassy. the work is help us to write this paper.

Research due:

1. Before class on Tuesday, do some brainstorming and browsing on the websites of credible, mainstream news sources of the type we identified in class -- some ideas from your classmates and your instructor: The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, NPR, the BBC, The Washington Post, The Economist, Reuters, The Nation. Identify a contemporary and kairotic civic issue that you think you'd like to respond to in your Commentary Project ("civic issue" = an issue of public or community concern).

Check out this report from the Pew Research Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and the latest version of blogger Vanessa Otero's media bias chart (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (both of which we looked at in class), if you want to dig into those questions of credibility and political bias more deeply.

2. Find three articles written in the last six months, all from sources you deem credible, about the issue you've identified. These might include investigative journalism, op-eds, and breaking news stories.

Writing due:

1. Write a couple sentences identifying the issue you've identified.

2. Write up MLA-format citations for the three sources you choose.

3. Bring print-outs of your three articles to class, or bring them on your laptop.

Research tip:

Some of the news sources you browse might use "pay walls," making it hard for you to read articles in their entirety -- the Wall Street Journal is one such publication. But, you can browse for articles on publication websites, and then find the full-text of articles by searching for them on the DU Library's website.

Two ways to try this:

A. Use the Compass search bar on the library's front page -- a great way to search for "known sources" -- that is, sources that you already know the name of.

B. Use one of the "Newspapers (Current)" databases to search -- I recommend LexisNexis Academic for this.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

College Drug Use
The Effects of College Drug Use
Statistically, college students form the largest group of drug users. Most college students are aged between 18 and 24 years and the risk of getting into addiction is high in this category of individuals (Amethyst Recovery Center, 2017). It is as well notable that students who enroll on full-program are twice more likely to use drugs as those who don’t enroll for college studies. Research studies indicate that the menace affects mostly the first-year college students who become overwhelmed by socialization anxiety (Spencer, 2017). They find drug use as a treatment for this anxiety very compelling. It’s quite a devastating thing for parents to withstand their children’s addiction. The high rates of drug addiction and the related devastating effects raise an alarm of the country’s future leaders and society at large. This is one reason it’s important to look at devastating effects of drug use in college by first understanding factors that lead to it.
Factors that Lead to College Drug Use
So the question is why is college drug use so high? As mentioned earlier, as students get into the new environment, they are filled with socializing anxiety. Students are thus triggered to drug use since it gives them false confidence that makes their socializing easier. Besides that, there are other several factors that lead to college students turning to drugs. Peer pressure is the most common factor. Students surrounding themselves with people who use drugs as recreation or to enhance performance often feel tempted to use the drugs.
Stress in college is something very common. Students while in college are faced with overwhelming obligations; part-time jobs, coursework, internship name them. To cope, they turn to drugs. Likewise, college workload is overwhelming with numerous assignments demanding a lot of time and energy. In such situations, students take drugs as stimulants without noticing that they are slowly getting hooked up. Others take drugs to boost their grades. A senior student at Auburn University says, “I am more driven. I don’t focus on anything.” This is to explain how he focuses on a paper. He depends on ADHD drugs to help him focus and out of distractions so as to get higher grades (Cooper, 2011). Curiosity is another factor. There are students who are curious in nature not only in their professional realm but also in the personal realm. It will be so ridiculous to factor out that this curiosity can lead to drug experimentation.
Spencer (2017) writes of the experiences of the students in recovery. Most of the students said that they took heroin as stimulants and to come down. There are students whom opium use started as a painkiller, to others; it was a matter of speeding up. Slowly by slowly they got addicted to a point that one girl by the name Julie Linneman, a Villanova University student was in a group of opium users which Spencer referred to as ‘her people’. For this case, there was peer pressure, course overload, and curiosity which led the students to drug abuse.
Ignorance is another factor. From personal experience, there is a friend of mine who takes Nitrous Oxide. To her, she does not think it is a drug and does not pay attention to its effects. The fact that she denies Nitrous Oxide being a drug, she does not realize that she is getting ‘hooked up’. She takes a lot of to a point that she passes out and fails to walk. “It is not a drug”, she explains to us. A friend of hers who probably influenced her takes too much of it such that she can’t walk anymore at the moment.
Effects of College Drug Use
Drug addiction can lead to mental illness. Chronic drug use according to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 2017 leads to some changes in the wiring of the brain both on a short and long-term basis. These changes in the wiring of the brain give birth to the mental illness such as hallucinations, aggr...
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