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Demonstrate A Detailed Awareness Of The Position Of The Author

Essay Instructions:

For the paper, you will be in charge of crafting a personal argument. Essentially, task for this paper is to make a claim about the essay of Frederick Douglass "Learning to read and write." and argue for it from a personal perspective. A successful paper will demonstrate a detailed awareness of the position of the author(s) in question and provide a reasoned understanding of why your own argument improves, refutes, expands, or challenges the author(s) you focus on.

For this paper we get to synthesize two major ideas—different ways of responding to a text and different models of rhetorical practices (Classical and Rogerian). How you choose to apply these techniques will be up to your discretion, but your effectiveness at utilizing them (as well as demonstrating an awareness of the effect of those choices) will produce a better paper. The position you choose to take is yours, but I would advise you to consider a position that you actually believe in, rather than making one up for the sake of making the assignment any easier—things that interest you will always produce your best writing.

Any of our major topics are fair game—cultural pride, immigration, assimilation, language, power and knowledge, race and racism, family histories—and I am more interested in what you do with this material than I am which material you choose to craft an argument about. Quoting passages in the text(s) you choose will be essential, so be sure to do so correctly and to focus on concise and useful quotes rather than long and purposeless ones. (As always, it is your writing that I am here to evaluate.) As well, make sure to follow MLA formatting rules—a failure to get every minute detail right will not hurt your grade, but a persistent lack of awareness in proper formatting conventions will. In 900-1200 words, craft an essay that develops an argument from your own perspective on any of our major course themes.

The essay that I'll be using is from Frederick Douglass "Learning to read and write."

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Power and Knowledge
Fredrick Douglass is the father of human rights movement. He believed that people are equal and have the freedom to develop into respectable persons in the society. Therefore, he focused on getting power and knowledge by learning language and education. However, his quest to gain knowledge came at a price as he was to face challenges as a slave in America. Douglas among other slaves was unable to improve their lives because of lack of education and argued that education and slavery were opposite elements. Consequently, Douglass began expanding his horizons through learning of language and reading as a quest to gain knowledge. Education and knowledge are a key aspect of the society to free slaves. Therefore, he had to pass through all the odd to get knowledge and power to escape slavery.
In the book Learning to Read and Write, Fredrick Douglass elaborates that a slave has to undergo hardship to gain power and knowledge. Thus, he focused on writing and language as essential tools to bring to light the different challenges in the society. Such challenges included racism and social inequalities. As a child, he learned the English language from the Caucasians around him especially his Mistress until she became eviler than her husband (Douglass, page 129). While in his master’s house for seven years, Fredrick Douglass succeeded in learning to read and write. However, he faced numerous hardships. At the house, Douglass had no regular teacher. However, his mistress initially agreed to instruct him and taught him language for a short while. Nevertheless, Mr. Hugh, her husband advised and directed her to stop her activities. Consequently, she set her face against any other person who would provide teach Douglass the language. Though she never took the advice immediately, Mrs. Hugh she first lacked the depravity indispensable to shut Douglass in the mental darkness. Therefore, she had to get the training from her husband to exercise irresponsible power to gain the confidence of treating Fredrick Douglass as a slave and brute. Irrespective of all the challenges Fredrick Douglass faced at his master’s house; he still got a way of ensuring that he gained knowledge and power. Even though it is evident that Mrs. Hugh was initially kind hearted and ready to he...
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