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Summary Response: Verbal Abuse

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verbal abuse from rude customers got so bad, the owners of one restaurant on Cape Cod said, that some of their employees cried. Then last Thursday, a man yelled at one of the restaurant's young employees for telling him that she could not take his breakfast order because the restaurant had not opened yet, said Brandi Felt Castellano, the co-owner of Apt Cape Cod in Brewster, Massachusetts. As a result, Ms. Felt Castellano and her spouse, Regina Felt Castellano, who is the head chef and co- owner, announced on Facebook that the restaurant would close for part of that day to treat the restaurant's employees to a day of kindness." The move drew widespread attention from the community and on social media. Ms. Felt Castellano, 39, said that some customers had assumed that it would be business as usual after reopening from the pandemic, but they did not understand that restaurants are still struggling with staffing and supply shortages. That can mean wait times are longer and some items on the menu are not available, which has been a source of verbal abuse toward the restaurant's employees. As restaurants adapt to the changing pandemic, Ms. Castellano said that she wishes customers would show more patience for the people cooking their meals and serving them. "I think we just need to remind people that we are all doing the best we can with the resources that are available to us right now, said Dale J. Venturini, the president and chief executive of the Rhode Island Hospitality Association. Ms. Venturini said that the association, which represents 900 restaurants and hotels, had recently started a "Please be Kind" campaign to help businesses and their employees. It includes signs that restaurants can post asking for customers' understanding amid a staffing shortage. Ms. Felt Castellano said that many of her customers and other businesses expressed solidarity with her restaurant and its employees after announcing that it would close for part of Thursday. One regular customer dropped off a gift card for the restaurant's employees to use at a local ice cream shop, while a Jet Ski shop in the next town offered a free day of fun. "A lot of people have thanked us for our efforts to be kind," Ms. Felt Castellano said. Neil Vigdor (July 2021)

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Summary Response
Often referred to as emotional abuse, verbal abuse encompasses a variety of statements or actions that are meant to influence, bully, and retain dominance and influence over a person. Insults, mockery, and contempt, the silent treatment and efforts to terrify, isolate, and dominate, are all examples of abuse. The reason why abusers verbally attack is because they have discovered somewhere down the line that compulsion and domination work to their advantage. Mental illness and addictions may be brought up in court as justifications for verbally abusive people terrible conduct, but this does not absolve them of their responsibility for their actions in this situation. Verbal abuse is quite frequent in the corporate world and though many would think that words do not harm, the emotional ramifications of verbal abuse are substantial.
A case in point, a client shouted at a young waiter at Apt Cape Cod in Brewster, Massachusetts, when she told him the restaurant hadn't opened yet. Ms. Felt Castellano and her co-owner, Regina Felt Castellano, announced the restaurant’s closure on social media that day. The decision drew neighborhood and social media attention and many customers expected normality to return after the outbreak, but staffing and supply concerns persist among restaurants. Arguably, customers have, in many occasions as this, abused workers due of extended wait times and missing menu items. Castellano asked consumers to be patient with their waiters since they were all doing their best with the available resources. The 900 restaurant and hotel chain has launched a new "Please Be Kind"...
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