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My Self -Assessment on what I have Learned in this Semester

Essay Instructions:

Self -Assessment

Now it's time to show what you have learned in class this semester, and reflect on the following but in a form of an essay (2-3 paragraphs) without including the questions.

Use the following questions to help you develop your reflection on what you have learned, and how your participation in class discussions make you feel like a member of an active community and interactive group:

In what ways did our weekly class discussions facilitate your learning and critical thinking about the readings?

how did the class discussions help you to close and understand the authors' arguments, and make different interpretations of the same readings and quotes?

how did the Canvas Discussion Assignments which were scaffolded (broken down into smaller tasks/paragraphs) help you gradually develop your paper and argument instead of writing the whole essay all at once?

how did the readings and class discussions in this class contribute to your personal and academic growth? Provide an example of the readings that motivated or empowered you?

how did Dr. Heba's feedback and comments based on the grading criteria improve your writing skills?

What did you learn from the feedback provided by your professor based on the grading criteria? What skills did you learn in this class?

how did my comments based on the rubric/grading criteria guide your peer reviews to improve your and your peers' writing skills?

how did the group activities, Canvas, and class discussions facilitate your learning and help you participate and feel that you are a member of an active learning group/community?

Although this is an online course, did you feel engaged with your professor and peers?

What did you like about our individual one-to-one meeting (with your professor)?

Please reflect on what did you love the most about this course? For me, what I loved the most about this course is YOU!

In your assessment, please reflect on how would you evaluate your participation in this course and why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The semester has been intense but equally beneficial to me in many ways. First, I realized that discussions are a powerful tool for active learning and having well-facilitated discussions allow learner explore new ideas while also realizing the valuing contribution of other members. Through the class discussion tools in canvas (assignments and discussion questions), group activities, feedback and comments, I now feel part of a community and an interactive group.
Group activities and discussion
The discussions in canvas offered me ways to have primarily text-based conversations with other class members as well as the instructor. Discussions were flexible and well structured that it gave me more than just the opportunity to express my points but to also connect with new ideas and develop new ones in process. They allowed me apply new knowledge to some complex problems in collaboration with other class mates. Also, the discussions, canvas assignments, and group activities allowed me develop good listening and communication skills. I have learned to accommodate others without being judgmental and instead learn where I can (Hussin, Jamalludin, and Nurbiha). Most of the group activities we...
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