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Analyze the Advantage of Studying in Chabot College

Essay Instructions:

A typed 350-word essay that responds to the prompt ''Describe how being a student at Chabot college has made you more aware of new ideas and practices, and how your changed as a result of the new knowledge."

I will be the first person in my family to attended college. My parents never got passed middle school. They were both faced with the hardship and had no choice but to get a job to with the responsibilities of home. In mu household, education was never a priority. Being third child of five children the only expectation my parents required of us was get a high school diploma. My entire life I struggle through school, not aware I had a learning disability; I had become discourage and I began to take school for granted, despite my struggles I was able to ge m diploma. College was never discussed in my household, so I believed I had met my parent’s expectation. I was not until I had my own children that I begin to wonder what life would be like, I had gone to college. I knew I wanted more for my children. What I have to come to realize is that children do not always learn from what you say but they learn from what they see, so A that very moment I knew I had to set an example for my children. But like my parents, I would e faced with hardship as being a single moth of three children and 3 grandchildren. Ultimately I did and got a job. After working for fifteen years at Cholestech cooperation we were notified that the company was sold and would be outsourcing to China, although sadden I decided to look at this setback to be my come back to further my education and to my surprise it would be a blessing in disguise. I knew this was my opportunity to back to school; to be that example not only for my children but also to others. I am showing others that coming back to school after wo plus years, it is possible and never to late. It was not until I got to Chabot college that I was tested and was told to I had a learning disability. The disable Center and the resources that are offered here has been my driving motivation to continuing with my education. Being a part of Chabot has been an awesome experience, I have met so many people who has been so inspirational.
Leadership and Community Service Activities
• Hospitality Leadership Volunteer Greeter Manage a team of 7+. Making sure all doors are cover for each 8 am service. Supplying water, Bibles and moral support those in need.
• Giving Love to every person who com through the doors.
• Disable Center Volunteer Work in the Lab, giving support to student with disabilities. Help assist student with homework question Help assist with printing question help assist with computer programs offered example Kurzweil, Dragon, and etc.….
• Debutante Program Volunteer teaching young girls ages 9-19-year-old leadership skill. How to fill out application for college How to give back to their communities. How to communicate effectively. How to respect themselves. How to interview for a job.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Advantage of studying in Chabot College
Being a student at Chabot College has changed my life completely. It has made me aware of new ideas and techniques that aid me perform duties which I was not used to. When I reflect on my college life, studying was a great challenge but I had to succeed in the studies. The reason behind this is that I was a bread winner of my family and also education was never a priority at my family. The only expectation my parents had of us was to get a high school diploma. After high school I believed I had made my parents expectation. It was until I had my own children that I began to wonder what life would be like if I had gone to college.
I came to know that children learn from what we do not what we say. So at that very moment I kne...
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