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Strategies in Addressing Multiple Level of Sexual Assault

Essay Instructions:

Thesis Statement

It has become too common the number of women that fall victim to sexual assault while walking amongst their college campuses. We need to have effective prevention strategies addressing the multiple levels of influences for sexual violence victimization.


Your purpose for Essay 3 is to present an argument within the topic area you choose. You will need to have a strong understanding of the issues involved so that you can take a stance within the argument and support your position primarily with evidence and logic.


Your goal is to write an essay which persuades readers that your perspective on a particular issue within your topic areas is valid and fair. You will need to develop a thesis about a specific issue and convince your audience to accept your conclusions using all of the logical argumentation skills at your disposal. You do not need to convince every reader; rather, you need to persuade as many readers as possible while also showing those who disagree with you that, at the least, your position is rational and logical.

Your paper must deal with a specific issue within your chosen topic area. There are several essays in our text that deal with various issues within those broad spheres (college education, race and justice, immigration, or women in society), but you may write on any topic within those spheres. You will need to choose a specific thesis to argue, and it must fall within your chosen topic area, but what you argue and what stance you take are up to you. For instance, you might argue that accusations of racial profiling against law enforcement groups need more comprehensive and effective internal policing procedures or that protest movements must be allowed more freedom from police control if you are writing within the larger theme of race and justice; you might argue that current sexual harassment policies on college campuses are too quick to harm the accused without sufficient proof and due process. If you are unsure if your thesis fits within the prescribed area, feel free to ask (and give advice to other students about their choice of thesis as posted).

Before writing your paper, consider the different perspectives you come across in researching the topic. You will need to give the reader some background on the issue you are addressing, but the bulk of the essay should be devoted to arguing your stance. Your support should be made up of different types of evidence from a variety of sources. Ten (10) outside sources are required for this paper; at least five (5) of these must be from published sources (a book; a magazine, newspaper, or journal article; or a government document). You may use (and are encouraged to use) more sources if you wish. A maximum of two essays from Current Issues, Enduring Questions may be cited.

Though they may contain some useful information and may be a good place to begin, some sources are not sufficiently authoritative for an academic research paper. Specifically, dictionaries, encyclopedias (including online encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia), and general interest web sites (such as About.com, Yahoo Answers, Ask.com, eHow, etc.) will not count toward your required ten sources. (You may cite those sources if you feel they are critically useful, but they do not count toward your minimum requirement.) Please consult the Research Links and the Argumentative Essay Links provided about vetting internet information and follow the guidelines listed there when choosing your sources.

The steps you need to take, then, are as follows:

(1) Define the Issue: Make sure everyone is on the same page, figuratively speaking. What is the issue about which you are writing? Is there background information that will be necessary and/or useful? While you may find a wealth of history and background information, remember only to include that which helps us understand the current debate.

(2) Take a Stance: Where do you stand in the debate? Remember, a good paper is rarely just "pro" or "con," but has a nuanced stance. While it may be tempting to weigh both sides equally, "fence-sitting" is not an acceptable stance; for the purpose of this paper, you need to take a position and defend it.

(3) Defend Your Position: Muster evidence in the form of examples, statistics, authoritative testimony, hypothetical examples, and analogies that shows why your position is a good one. The bulk of your research and evidence will most likely be used here. Consult the web links on writing argumentative papers for more information and guidelines. Non-rational appeals may be used sparingly, but care must be taken not to let them control the argument.

(4) Consider Counter-Arguments: Think about what those opposed to you might say. Can you answer their questions or prove that the points they would raise are invalid, or at least not as strong as yours?


Papers will be assessed based on the criteria outlined in the Assessment Standards. Specifics, detail, and careful evaluation will be critical to your success.


The final copy of your paper should be at least 7 pages long. The finished draft must be typed (double spaced, 12 pt. Times font) in MLA format. Turn in your thesis statement and rough draft to the Discussion Board of your group; turn in your final draft to this assignment folder.

Due Dates

Post thesis statement: 11:59pm, Mon., 4/12

Post first draft (min. 4 sources): 11:59pm, Mon., 4/19

Peer responses due: 11:59pm, Thurs., 4/22

Final draft due: 11:59pm, Fri., 4/30

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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How to Prevent Sexual Assault or Violence on College Campuses
Sexual harassment on college campuses is a big issue all around the planet. The Justice Department describes it as any form of sexual conduct that happens without permission. It is a complicated subject to talk about. However, we as learners, teachers, and society need to stop sexual assault and assist those who have been affected. In that case, we must have a candid discussion regarding sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sexual violence. Sexual abuse can happen anywhere and to anybody. Sexual assault can be categorized into any conduct of rape, unconsented physical touch, sexual harassment, incest, and Sodomy (Tull 478). Sexual assault is rampant in college universities because many factors facilitate it making it worse. Although college campuses give classes on preventing sexual abuse, it is not enough to prevent it from happening and does not encourage victims to report these rape cases. To eradicate all types of sexual abuse, climatic change, and cultural transition are needed. We will further discuss how the number of women who are sexually assaulted while walking around college campuses has become far too common and why today's efforts aimed at preventing sexual harassment on college campuses are failing. We will also examine victim-blaming, the myth of a college party narrative, stranger rape, bystander involvement, and analyze BGSU's privation systems.
It has been more than two decades since university administrations addressed the public health crisis of sexual abuse on their campuses. More recently, the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE Act) was signed into law in March 2013 (Dills et al.). This act aims to educate college students about rape, how to respond to it, and how to prevent various forms of sexual abuse. The reality is that, regardless of study, activism, and an array of programs, female students are still likely to be sexually assaulted. By looking at the current privation programs on campuses, we can assess why the methods are failing. As campuses are trying to develop programs that want to do away with sexual abuse, an important question is why rape is common. Research has shown that one in every five female college students has been a victim of rape or a victim of attempted sexual abuse during their college time (Foubert et al. 820). Although this statistic has been disputed at times by those who fail to acknowledge that sexual abuse is an epidemic, it has been shown numerous times since then. Lately, the University of Texas conducted the largest research ever conducted on rape, which yielded an alarming statistic. One in ten females at the college recorded being assaulted (Honig & Sterling 61). Thus, it is evident that the possibility of girls being raped is rooted in the very structure of everyday campus existence. Normal college life applies to the traditional environments in which men and women engage and develop informal and romantic relationships. This assumption is derived from the understanding that violence is driven by motivation, reinforcing that men are more likely to commit sexual harassment if offered the chance. Other study groups conclude that a society with long-accepted sexual harassment and a patriarchal state is to blame for the high incidence of sexual abuse among students.
As we strive to investigate the root causes of the sexual harassment crisis, we understand why certain preventive programs fail. Prevention services at colleges nationwide, such as BGSU, create an environment where sexual assault is unacceptable, and survivors are supported, and it puts an emphasis on risk management (Rich et al. 270). In risk management, students are enlightened on how to reduce the possibility of being raped. Risk avoidance strategies include, avoiding remote areas, regulating one's alcoholic liquor intake, and avoiding walking home at night. Even though this prevention method is intended to protect future rape cases, it introduces many complications. Firstly, when prevention programs teach students how to avoid becoming victims, they suggest, "Not me, them." There is no solution to the problem since when one victim is spared an assault, another one is put in their position. We cannot expect those systems to succeed since they do not fix the problem but pass the assault to another victim.
Another problem with risk assessment is that it encourages victim-blaming. People who have been sexually attacked on campus share their experiences and what occurred afterward in Campus Sexual Assault; College Women Respond. The story of a woman who was on her way home with a dorm mate she met from school is revealed on page 22 (Fisher et al. 2). He sexually harassed her in his bed after she went with him to his room because he was drunk and she believed he would need support. The girl, who is referred to in the story as Alice, did not mention the incident. She felt that since she did not follow the guidelines on risk assessment programs, she would be held accountable for what happened to her. In addition to the other psychological consequences of the assault, it may instill guilt in the victim. From what we have seen, risk assessment is a form of protection based on the idea that sexual harassment can be avoided. Although this is true, it places the blame on the victim rather than the perpetrator.
Another major flaw in risk management control is that it has a fundamental misunderstanding about sexual assault on college campuses. Rather than concentrating on acquaintance harassment, more universities are focusing on stranger rape. According to research, 35.5 percent of women raped and 43.5 percent of attempted rape cases were committed out by classmates (Streng et al. 66). The second most frequent rape offenders were friends, while boyfriends/ex-boyfriends were the third most common perpetrators. We might be assisting females in avoiding the "dirty alley" perpetrator by advising women not to travel by themselves during the night. However, this is not a plausible scenario for most assaults. The "dark alley" tale and others are often told in sexual harassment prevention programs. The previously discussed "dark alley" narrative is an example of how these narratives often generate consequences. The dark alley depiction of an assau...
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