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The Role of Human Behavior in Environmental Problems Summary

Essay Instructions:

After reading Trifecta.pdf, making the outline into final essay

The Writing Style Experiments:

In each of your essays, you are required to conduct some kind of writing experiment. That is, that each essay must contain something stylistic that you’ve never done before as a writer. Here are some examples:

Incorporating some aspect of a writer’s style into your own essay. For example, you might read Dan Ariely and write an essay from his point of view, or incorporate a similar sense of humor into your essay. Stylistic experiments can be important and can help you grow as a writer. They can include humor, rhetorical questions, varying sentence length/variety, using subordination, word choice, colloquial language…

Using pictures or other visuals in your essays.

Creating a sound recording or video.

Writing in boxes or writing in the margins or formatting your text in a way that helps explain or support your thesis/slant.

Writing a poem or song lyrics or a comic.

Creating any kind of artistic representation—be it a drawing, sculpture, painting, photograph—to include in your essay.

These are only a few ideas. Don’t just pick one from above and do it unless it really fits your essay and slant. DO NOT just tack on a poem or a drawing to the end of an essay. Each experiment needs to be incorporated into the essay. It must be a part of the project and add something to the project, not be a separate project.

The way to approach this on all your essays is to think about what kind of experiment would help us, the readers, further understand your arguments, points, and ideas. Think out of the box, and use writers that you like as inspiration.

It’s important to remember that in this course a failed experiment in one of your essays will not negatively affect your grade. The only thing that will affect your grade is if you don’t experiment. It’s also important to remember that in this course each essay still needs to have the fundamentals of an essay. The experiment doesn't make it a free-for-all.

Try something. In this course, you are always rewarded for trying something new, even if it fails.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas presented a vague idea of an environment taken for granted since not all people have access to it. The story imprints and produces different meanings that depend on the perspective of every reader. Using this story as a foundation for finding an issue, this paper presents environmental issues influenced by human behavior. To elaborate the connection between the story and the environmental issue being discussed and human behavior, the child who was being neglected represents the environment that is also being neglected and is suffering because of the inhabitants. At the same time, the city of Omelas represents the population of those who neglect the importance of the environment because they believe that they are not directly inconvenienced or affected by what is happening around them, even though they live there themselves. Moreover, the ones who felt the guilt and are breaking free from the city of Omelas are the ones who are actively doing something and are now fighting for the rights of conservation and preservation of the environment. These people are the advocates of environment conservation and animal rights which maintains the stability of the ecosystem. How does human behavior influence those who are knowledgeable about the environment towards the environmental issues that society is currently facing?
The Role of Human Behavior in Environmental Problems
Human beings play a massive role as stewards of the environment, protecting nature and all the living things in it. To do so, several elements need consideration to promote an effective management system to conserve the environment. According to Masud & Kari, several organizations and foundations have continuously been involved in protecting the environment that human beings use to get their resources. They are the ones who protect and advocate the rights of animals and their environment. In addition to these, there are also local communities that support the exact cause. They are advocates of the preservation and conservation of the environment and help contribute funds that will significantly benefit the environment.
Different organizations and foundations focused on environmental issues do a lot more than representing and funding the cause. However, it also serves as an effective way of disseminating correct information and promoting awareness among the people in the community. This will create positive change for each individual who is educated about the reality of what is happening to the environment and the sense of urgency needed to save the very environment that all human beings live in. The movement created regarding the environmental issues that our society face today is a wake-up call for those who are not yet aware of the impact of each one’s actions, urging each one to be involved because this issue is not just about the numerous organizations or the animals in the wild. However, it is about individuals living on this Earth that is home.
Ironically, even though human beings are continuously fighting with all their might to fight the different environmental problems and promote conservation and preservation, there are still informed human beings responsible for its degradation. To elaborate, people are voicing their ideals of protecting the environment as it protects the people, yet such people also break it. Human behavior has been an excellent factor for conservation, but it has also proven effective as an agent of various environmental problems.
There are four behavioral challenges identified that affect environmental problems. According to Schultz, although there are already numerous people who have received a significant amount of education that involves safety, environmental conservation, or health, it does not produce significant behavioral changes that may benefit the environmental preservation and conservation cause. He emphasizes that an essential factor to consider is the motivation of the person. This motivation is said to be the tool for behavioral change, so just gaining knowledge and information about the environment and the various issues that it is currently facing is not enough to achieve environmental changes. Another argument that Schultz presented is the presence of biases when engaging in cognitive thinking. This bias occurs when an individual does not consider the environmental issues as serious as possible, so it is not given priority, and conti...
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