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Annotated Bibliographies on Obesity

Essay Instructions:

The resources is about HEALTH AND FAT OR SOMETHING .

In an annotated bibliography, a writer surveys the available research on a given topic and then “annotates” (summarizes and evaluates) those sources. Think of it as a running journal of research, in which you investigate and test out ideas you encounter. For the annotated bibliography project, you will find a variety of sources on a chosen subject and annotate them by addressing a series of required points and following a certain model for annotation. You’ll also write a brief (one to two pages) “suggestions for further research.”

Getting Started

Begin by choosing a topic: What issues surround or touch on your topic? What seems interesting or controversial? Which ideas are more “cutting edge,” and which seem to have been fully discussed already? Then consider how you might focus your research on a specific set of issues. Make sure you’re covering the main issues, but with some specificity of subtopic that yields interesting sources. Think of the work we’ve done in class to narrow and hone topics.

The Annotations

This “essay” won’t really be an essay in the usual sense; instead, the various research sources will be organized alphabetically, with the MLA documentation for each followed by the paragraph-long annotation. For each annotation, include the following information:

• Identifying information that includes the author’s (or authors’) name(s), the title of the text, and the topic of the text.

• The intended audience and purpose of the text; be as specific as possible when describing the audience, and focus on argument when discussing the purpose.

• A brief (three sentences maximum) summary of the text, highlighting the main points that help the author accomplish her purpose.

• An evaluation of the text, explaining why it would or wouldn’t be a good source for a research essay on your topic; go beyond simply claiming that the text is “helpful,” “useful,” or “good” to provide specific details on the advantages/disadvantages of working with the text.

Suggestions for Further Research

After the annotations, write a two-page (maximum) set of suggestions for further research.

• Begin by describing the existing conversation surrounding your topic, without simply reiterating

your annotations: What are some interesting ideas, and who is expressing them? What are some

interesting new developments on this topic?

• Given what you found in the current research, what one idea or issue is worthy of further

exploration? Explain why you think this area needs more discussion. What are the gaps in the conversation? Why do those gaps exist? Present your specific ideas and propose an argument about it.

Research Requirements

Your annotations must include 4 sources, including:

• 1 book chapter

• 1 article from a newspaper or magazine

• 2 research articles from scholarly journals

So What?: The Purpose of This Assignment

Writing an annotated bibliography helps you evaluate research for its credibility and suitability. It helps you understand the advantages and challenges of thorough research. This assignment will also expose you to various types of research, leading to more interesting and complex discussions of sources in your papers. Using your research as a point of access, you’ll begin the process of entering an existing conversation, and make moves to establish your own expertise and intellectual perspective.


All essays will be evaluated according to the criteria listed on the CWP Grading Criteria, and by how well the project meets the requirements mentioned above. As I read your essays, I’ll be asking myself the following questions:

• Do the annotations provide the required information AND offer insights into each source? • Are the annotations varied, not relying on the same ideas and language for every source? • Has the writer considered each author’s audience, purpose, and argument carefully?

• Do the summaries present major ideas and specific details?

• Do the evaluations offer sufficient detail for a researcher to learn specific info on each text?

• Are the research sources challenging and varied, or has the author clearly relied on the first (or

shortest) texts to pop up in a search?

• Is it clear that the writer has thoroughly read and understood each source?

• Is the MLA documentation correct?

• Do the suggestions for further research thoughtfully consider the existing research while moving

beyond the research to offer the writer’s own ideas about the topic? • Has the writer followed the format for assignments in this class?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Alston, J. M., & Okrent, A. M. (2017). Obesity in America. The Effects of Farm and Food Policy on Obesity in the United States (pp. 13-53). Palgrave Macmillan, New York. The chapter in the book analyzes the data on obesity throughout America, along with gender and racial lines. BMI and other alternatives have been used to determine the trends, spatial patterns, and obesity prevalence. This information can be used to combating the challenges of the epidemic because it is based on actual data collected over 50 years. The data and analysis can be used as a foundation for the entire obesity topic.
Hemphill, T. A. (2018). Obesity in America: A Market Failure? Business and Society Review, 123(4), 619-630. This article talks about the source of obesity and the stakeholders that have catalyzed the epidemic. It starts by giving the latest data on the topic then narrating the role that food companies, sector regulators, the government, and social activism have played to escalate the problem. The article can be used to find solutions to the obesity challenge because it shows the severity by showing its effects on the economy.
Lanas, F., Bazzano, L., Rubinstein, A., Calandrelli, M., Chen, C. S., Elorriaga, N., ... & Poggio, R. (2016). Prevalence, distributions, and determinants of obesity and central obesity in the Southern Cone of America. PloS one, 11(10), e0163727. The influence of obesity on Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and gives further insights into the Distributions, Prevalence, and Determinants of Obe...
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