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Analysis Of Sonnet 116 Is Among Shakespeares Poems Titled

Essay Instructions:

Analyze how the author used the sonnet 116 form and other conventions of poetry to enhance and deliver the theme. Obviously, your thesis will mention both the techniques and the theme as you see it. Refer to the poetry terms. Break it down into its parts and figure out what is making it “tick,” what adds layers to its complexity, what outward and seemingly “accidental” touches (which we realize aren't) reinforce meaning. Obviously, to do this, must refer directly to the text of the poem, quoting lines and phrases as examples. Avoid simply paraphrasing the poem and instead show what the author is doing to get to that meaning. Paper must be approximately four pages long, typed, double-spaced in twelve point font. As this is an upper-level lit class, MLA format is expected for literary papers. That means: no title pages, a title that reflects the thesis of the paper (not the title of the poem), one inch margins all around, proper headings, and page numbers with headers. paper shouldn't look like its professionally done , but should use good grammar and spellings and vocabulary . "A" grade required for this paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sonnet 116 analysis
Sonnet 116 is among Shakespeare's poems titled, Shakespeare Sonnets comprise of 300 sonnets. The poems are connected sequences that explore complex subjects of love from different angles. To understand sonnet 116, one needs to analyze each part of the poem. Shakespeare sonnet offers complex themes and passion that can be understood by connecting each line of the poem. Sonnet 116 uses a simple structure to present the theme of love; each of its quatrains describes love in different perspective using metaphors and comparisons.
The final part reaffirms the author's view of love challenging readers that whatever he describes is what true love is. In the first two lines, Shakespeare states that “Let me not to the marriage of true minds/Admit impediments” (Shakespeare line 1). Using this metaphor of marriage, he compares true love with real love. Shakespeare believes there is no reason why two people who are truly in love should not be together. Shakespeare defines the difference between true love and real love stating that real love is when people who out of their free will, enter into a relationship because of trust and mutual understanding.
In the poem, the first four lines portray the pleasure of love and how strong love can be, to further expand on his definition of real love in the first quatrain. Shakespeare asserts that true love in unchanging and immortal. For him, love cannot be changed and cannot change on its own even when love encounters changes. He states that "alter when it alteration finds" (Shakespeare line 3). In these lines, Shakespeare says that true love is "ever-fixed mark," (Shakespeare line 5), meaning that real love can survive despite any difficulties. In the seventh to the eighth line, Shakespeare reveals how love can be weighted and what love can endure, this presents to the reader the full description of what real love is. Shakespeare believes that there is no barrier when two minds unite in love and love cannot change even if it finds changes in the beloved or even if one leaves. Shakespeare admits that the actual worth of love is not known, that is why love remains a mystery.
The second quatrain is a continuation that defines love using beautiful imagery; Shakespeare highlights what love is not. He states that “Love ’s not Time’s fool” (Shake...
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