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Research And Define Freedom And Controlling The Society

Essay Instructions:

Though our essays we have read articles that have varied greatly in scope and topic regarding the benefits and detriments of freedoms and the complications that arise in the definition.
In the writings (our own and the readings) the common denominator was the expectation that you or the author introduce, explore and evaluate your own unique ideas. The act of presenting original ideas for examination and critique from other scholars is very important in academic research writing. Successful students and scholars embrace the challenge of developing and researching a question or issue that matters to them; letting that research influence their thinking; and ultimately developing new and exciting ideas that allow the writer to participate in academic conversation with like minded scholars.
In the spirit of academic writing and scholarly exploration and (maybe, just maybe), working towards a greater understanding of what really matters to you, I invite you to think about the texts that we have read so far in this course – they will be the starting point for your topic, you will be using it also as a model for composition. I would like you to establish an argument through scholarly reading and composition to create a paper topic that is interesting to you.
Please let me or your tutor know if you run into any problems immediately. We will be negotiating the terms of this essay (number of sources, page count expectation, etc.) On Thursday for homework please engage in a first writing to start exploring your topic and why it is important to you. Print this 2 page writing for Tuesday and our in class conference, you are also welcome to expand upon one of your homework ideas, or worksheets or notes from class and add writing to that material.
Short Prompt: React and respond to defining freedom via a composition project of your own design that puts forward original ideas that matter to you.
Long Prompt: Think about the various readings we did as a class and determine which readings and topics are most helpful or important to your personal research and composition process. (Please note that helpful and important does not necessarily mean enjoyable or easy.) Make a plan for your project keeping in mind your timeline and the significance of this project to your term grade. Follow your plan: but keep in mind that you will likely have to re-evaluate and re-plan as you go-academic projects change and evolve; going with the flow is a part of the process. Plan, adjust, compose and revise until you produce an essay that offers an original, interesting idea presented in a way that convinces your reader that you are invested in the topic.
References: please include quotes and ideas only from these two resources: JFK's civil rights speech, and "I have a dream" from Martin Luther King. (have to include these two resources)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Freedom is courage. Life is a product of our choices about our communities and our country. These choices carry weight and takes braveness to choose to take one direction rather than the other. The ability to accept the consequences that come with the choice is freedom. The ability to understand that the consequences have a bearing to our lives but for the common good they must be made with pride and honor is freedom. The ability to defend the choices in the face of the very consequences they cause is freedom. Freedom is valid even in the mistakes that come with these choices. The ability to do mistakes and honorably defend them is freedom that must be protected at all times. Freedom requires hard choices. Mandela (1994) asserted that there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires. All principles that govern and control the society must recognize freedom and be based upon it to protect the social, moral, economic, cultural and political fabric upon which the society is founded.
Every human is created differently and they will in the course of their lives perceive and understand the world differently. Suppressing the view of another persons’ life because it is not consistent with our view or understanding is depriving that person a basic thing, freedom. We all perceive things differently and we wish other people to respect our view of the world. Freedom is the basic principle that protects each one of us to explore our world without suppression to enable us to share the pains, joys and experiences of our perception of the world without fear, judgement or ridicule. Freedom is creating the enabling environment where everyone can voice and express their opinions irrespective of their distinguishing characteristics. That no one is better than them and they deserve to be treated equally by the society. It must echo (King, 1963) speech that we must hold the truth to be self-evident, and acknowledge that all men are created equal.
Absence of freedom is suppression. A small group of people think of themselves highly than the rest and impose their ideas and decisions on the other people. They take away their ability to make independent choices about their lives. They suppress the voice of others and treat their opinions with contempt. The imbalance created by the imposition of dogma not subscribed by all people threatens the pillars of freedom in that society. Absence of freedom creates ideological friction and births violence and war. People who believe they should or must impose their will, ideas and opinions on other people are the architects of violence and war. The rights of every man are diminished w...
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