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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Song Violeta Parra-Volver a los 17 letra. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:


Select a song that contains either elements of protest--that is, a song that is politically and socially conscious--and post it on this discussion board. The song could be in any language, so long as you are able to post an accompanying translation (or at least an approximate explanation of the song) for the benefit of the class. This is a song that should have a certain meaning for you.

Why did you select this particular song? What do you find so compelling about it? Does this song hold any special importance for a group of people? How is this song politically or socially conscious?

Initial post: 200 words total (minimum) (Note: this does not include the translation or brief explanation of the song). Create your initial post by Monday at 8 pm.

You should then post two peer responses by Wednesday at 8 pm. (100 words each)

This song could be any song any language, doesn't have to be the song I typed in the topic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Violeta Parra’s Volver a Los 17
Violeta Parra's Volver a Los 17, translated as Returning to Seventeen, is a Spanish song that talks about the youthful experiences of someone. The song Volver a Los 17 roughly expresses a person's feelings and growth as seventeen years old. However, rather than the typical refreshing and youthful stories, Volver a Los 17 narrates a more complaining account of a teenager who compares themselves to another being. Upon reading the translated lyrics of Parra's song, I had a particular interpretation of it.
What I see about the song is the comparison of men's and women's experiences, especially during their youthful stage. First, I got the impression that the voice speaking is a girl with the hints of "fragile," "ivy," "flowers", and "nest" (lyricstranslate.com). Such words would typically...
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