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Social Media and Gender Bias

Essay Instructions:

How is social media dividing and/or equalizing our society? Discuss specific social media platforms and how they are involved with at least two of the following issues: Troll Armies, Slacktivism, Online “Dating”, Cyber Bullying, "Do it for the Gram" mentality, E-Commerce, Government Surveillance, Fake News, "fake news", News Silos, Political Correctness, Cancel Culture (Public Shaming/Callout Culture), Toxic Tribalism, The Backfire Effect, Conspiracy Theories, Social Media Addiction, Identity Construction, Stanning, "Simps", Fast Entertainment, Social Issue Awareness, Charity, Online Education, Influencers, or Political Voice. Feel free to use other issues that relate to the online world, but run them by me first. Discuss the details of these issues and how the specific social media or web-based platforms contribute to them in various ways. Use quotes/paraphrase from at least five outside sources (two of which can be essays from our book, but the others must be from academic books or journal articles) to support and illustrate. Some of the less obvious issues above have links to help explain.

Essay should be 6-8 double-spaced pages in MLA format. You must use at least one quote from five different outside academic sources (two could be essays from our book).

Should have a title that states topic and hints at thesis.

Introduction should begin with 3-5 sentences introducing the topic of social media and the particular issues or platforms you will be discussing

A thesis statement should end the introduction making an analytical argument—that is detailed, developed, and dynamic—that shows a college-level engagement.

Body paragraphs should begin with clearly articulated topic sentences that develop individual points helping to support your overall thesis.

Evidence should describe the platforms/issues and be connected to quotes, paraphrase, and/or summary from five outside sources (two could be essays from the book).

Conclusion should bring these individual points back to the overall thesis and make it clear what the implications are for society in the near future.

Essays should follow MLA style and format (see Hacker or look it up online): typed, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins all around.

Example for this "Reading the Prompt Assignment": You might say something like, "Toxic Tribalism is leading to an even more divided society, feeding on its own power to pit different groups against each other. One side seems to alienate the other with Cancel Culture mentality, if they don't like the other side's views. The other side then counters with Troll Armies and Fake News to defeat their perceived enemy. The News Silos that each 'tribe' gravitates to, makes it all the more impossible to bring the sides together."

I chose social media and gender bias.

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Social Media and Gender Bias
As more people browsing online increasingly depend on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to interact with friends, they are faced with new challenges. These social media websites are useful as news outlets even though biases also arise along the lines of gender (Schroeder 376). Due to cultural shifts in gender and the increasing awareness of the diversity of gender, internet algorithms often reinforce dualist, hierarchical views about gender. Furthermore, these algorithms influence how gender is recirculated, processed among social media users (Schroeder 377). As a result, social media websites like Facebook and Twitter are linked to increasing levels of gender bias since they reinforce the stereotypical notions of gender.
Social media addiction arises due to the numerous benefits offered by online platforms such as online "dating," online education, e-commerce, and news silos when users are trying to find online communities with the same interest. However, these benefits are supported by algorithms that are gender-biased. Gender is defined as the sociocultural interpretation of our sex (Hamilton 146). This is how people make sense of the biology around us. While female and male are biological distinctions, feminine and masculine are gender distinctions. Algorithms can be biased since humans create them, contributing to gender discrimination on social media (Hamilton 147). Algorithms have been proven to learn gender and then incorporate gender biases, thereby reflecting the damaging stereotypes regarding women. According to Schroeder. "algorithms pick up cultural biases and feed them back into the online environment, without much awareness from users of what is happening, or how their social media feed is built" (377).
A good example is an advertisement that was placed on Facebook to promote careers in the STEM field. The results found that more men see the ad than women, yet attempts had been made to make it a gender-neutral advertisement. The women did not click on the advertisement because they were fewer. In reality, women would be more interested in such an advertisement. However, due to the discriminatory algorithms, few women saw the advertainments (Schroeder 377). Another good reason for this is that most advertisements involve goods and services are targeted at women. Women are more likely to be targeted with such advertisements since they are traditionally expected to manage household expenses (Schroeder 377). Algorithms are very influential in what happens online. They determine what the advertisement contains, what people read, and even what they ultimately purchase.
Social media has become very common, especially now that it is being used as a business tool for influencers who earn a living from having many followers. However, this also increases the chance of these influencers releasing fake news, leading to gender bias (Allcott & Gentzkow 212). A key aspect of social media is that anyone can sign up as a news publisher without any verification process. For instance, anyone on Facebook can create a page claiming to be a news organization. Furthermore, the traditional news organizations are also moving online, and new ones are coming up simultaneously (Allcott & Gentzkow 211). These transitions mean that 'fake news is a common phenomenon.
In some cases, the accounts on websites like Twitter can be bots, spreading biased information. In contrast, bias i...
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