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Determining Plausible Theory of Knowledge

Essay Instructions:

Please write a minimum 200-word response to the prompt below:


Descartes believes that there exists both 'mind' and 'matter' (or 'body' - same thing). Smart believes that there is only 'matter', or the material/physical world, and everything else, including thoughts, sensations and other apparently 'mental' processes are really just physical processes at the bottom.

Which view do you find more plausible? Explain why.

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23 07 2021
Which View Do You Find More Plausible?
The mind-body problem, which is the interaction and nature between consciousness and the brain, originates from the actual uniqueness of mind and body based on their entirely diverse personalities. It is a topic that has confused many philosophers over the years: how can two substances that are constituted of totally opposing natures network causally to yield a human being capable of having sensations and voluntary bodily motions? Ultimately, there have been two conflicting arguments: monism, which reasons that the mind and body cannot be understood distinctly from each other, while dualism presents that the mind cannot be relegated merely to matter, and additionally, it possesses its nature.
Rene Descartes, a French Philosopher, was one of the passionate dualism proponents. His argument assumed that the mind and body are separate from each other, and their interaction is such that the mind influences the brain. Descartes's view involved two claims. The first one was that the mind is separate from the body, and the second was that the mind and the body produce a unity forming the man. Aristotle and Aquinas supported the latter by reconciling th...
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