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Social Identity in "Canícula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera"

Essay Instructions:

The reading response is about the book Canícula: Snapshots of a Girlhood en la Frontera by Norma Elia Cantú (the pdf version is attached). Please reflect on how their own social identity shapes their interpretive experience, engage peers and their reactions to course materials, analyze and come to understand how historical contexts particularly categories of differentiation like race, gender, class, sexuality, and ability inform our understandings of cultural texts.

Please use the other 2 readings as secondary readings to discuss the contexts and analytic frames.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Response
Social identity is the part of a person's social concept that comes as per the perceived membership in a given social group. Social identity shapes a person's interpretative experience, how they engage their peers and their reactions to course materials. Groups give people a sense of self-belonging to this social world. Examples of such groups include family, social class, church, school among others. Different people are identified with different social groups hence people develop different social identities. The writer has a family which she cherishes for giving her different experiences and made her be identified with different things.
She describes in one of her photos how they sat looking for photos they had taken sometimes back and they get to remember those days. The father and mother would help them understand the childhood memories that they could not even remember. Family as one of the social groups helped the writer to understand the need to take care of one another. In one of the photos, she explained how they got worried when her siblings got ill (Cantu). How she runs to the neighborhood to search for a vehicle to help take her sister to the hospital and save her little sister's life. In another photo, she also had celebrated her sister's birthday who had only turned one. So unfortunate, he also talks about them morning death of her brother.
A family had also shaped the way she would interact with her peers. When her grandmother moves with her to Mexico to meet her grandfather and her cousins who are also her peers, though she suffers homesick, she really loves them all. They teach her some English, they would also make stories together and she really enjoyed (Cantu). They blend so well with her best friend Annamaria who they take of their younger siblings together. They are filled with anxiety about their breasts and they can't wait to ask for bras from their mothers. A family has molded the writer on how to relate well with friends and relatives. At her favorite cousin's place, they are able to look after her cousins younger siblings so well.
The writer's family also gave her the opportunity to belong to a family known as the church. They would attend San Luis Rey church where they would pray the rosary. They would also collect flowers and take them to the church and pray the rosary. The churc...
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