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The Change in Approach from The First Two Questions to The Second Two

Essay Instructions:

In regard to four papers - Mind of Primitive Man, After Boas, and the two Wolf papers, how do you view the change in approach from the first two to the second two?

And, please, again, give me five MC and/or TF questions.

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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: The Change in Approach from The First Two Questions to The Second Two Franz Boaz talks extensively on issues of American Anthropology in his writing. In chapter seven, Boaz talks about gives the relationship between culture and personality(Boaz 150). In chapter 7, Baz uses the sentiments of Ruth Benedict, where Benedict used the perspective of the principles used to integrate culture. The article further used study aspects from Margret Meade to expound on cultural dynamics. Amalgamation of different literature was pivotal in ensuring that Benedict comes up with the concept of configurationalism. In the next text, Boaz had a different approach in his approach to the mind of primitive man. In this article, Boaz began his work through expounding on the mind of a primitive man in different environments. He used aspects such as emotions to expound on the effects of social environments on the mind, behaviors and the psychology of people (Boaz 2). The first approach, he used culture through the concept of configurationalism. In the second approach, Boaz used the environment to determine most of the exhibited behaviors, emotions and the psychotic characteristics of the mind of a primitive man in different environments. The approaches in the papers of Boaz about anthropology were different as the first focused on culture and personality than in the subsequent writing, he talked about the relationship between personality and culture. In the two articles about the Virgin of Guadalupe and the comparison society and symbols in Latin Europe and the Islamists near East, there is a difference in the way the author has approached the topics. In the comparison paper, the author tries to put together the differences of the religious symbols in Islam and Christianity in the areas around the Western Mediter...
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