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Similarities between “The Great Gatsby” and the “Generation Wealth”

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Author’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course Code: Date: Similarities between “The Great Gatsby” and the film “Generation Wealth” Ever since the discovery of money, the latter has been a very important catalyst as well as motivator of all human beings. This fact is widely accepted and considered to be true by each and every individual who understands monetary value. Notably, each of us has ever heard regarding the phrase, ‘money makes the world go round’. This is considerably true as no one can do without money especially in today’s fiscally pumped up world. Money has a way of making everything better, viz a viz, it can ensure that you have all the comforts which one desires, one can have the best medical care, and one can also get the best education ‘money can buy’, as ironic as it may sound. In this write up, we are going to discuss the similarities between “The Great Gatsby” and the film, “Generation Wealth”, while at the same time elucidating on the main theme of money, which seems to be one of the main similarities between the two. “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald is arguably one of the most prominent literary works in the United States. This is due to the verity that the main theme is centered on monetary wealth. In this particular book, money has the inclination of being a great motivator among the characters and their respective relationships (Bloom 62). Suffice to mention that indeed wealth has the propensity to develop a distinctive elucidation upon an individual’s life, while at the same time, impacting their future either positively or negatively. The great Gatsby could be interpreted as a story of both misfortune and victory, mostly due to how the author of this book imaginatively yet meticulously captures a s...
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