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Visual Analysis of a Picture Through Photographic Techniques

Essay Instructions:

You can pick anything you want. we were not given one (an image) to use.

Craft an introduction that leads readers into the subject

Define and explain the punctum of your image

Analyze and explain why your image is constructed in the way that it is

Evaluate the success of your image in meeting the producer’s goal

Punctuate compound and complex sentences properly

Follow conventions of academic writing

Use transitions when necessary

The Subject: Visual rhetoric through the analysis of an image. Choose an image from a magazine, newspaper, the internet, etc. Be sure that you are able to hand in this image (no photocopies unless they are in color) with your completed paper.

The Assignment: Deconstruct and analyze an image of your choice. Start the paper with an opening paragraph that meets the standards of an introduction, particularly in its ability to grab the reader’s attention and begin to focus him or her towards the subject of the assignment. After doing so, your next three-to-five paragraphs will be analyzing your image and explaining why the producer chose to construct the image in the way that he or she did (for news photos, analyze the image from an editor’s perspective and explain why that image is useful in telling the news story that it is connected to). You will discuss three-to-five separate characteristics of the image, one of which should be the punctum of your image. Using the notes supplied to you in class, argue why the particulars of the image were used. Your conclusion will be an evaluation of that image’s success as compared to whatever goal the producers had for that image. Keep in mind the intended audience for that image based on the source’s typical viewership. If it is a success, why is it successful? If it is not successful, what is the image’s problem and what would have made it more successful?

Technical Aspects: You need to properly punctuate compound and complex sentences and follow the conventions of academic writing for this paper. Also, be sure to use transitions between sentences and paragraphs when necessary. Once again, remember to hand in your image with your essay.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Visual Analysis Paper
Today is the age of technology, and there are hundreds of pictures we scan with our eyes on a daily basis. We have become habitual of this and do not really pay attention to the majority of the stuff we see. Still, we often see a picture or two that demand us to stop and admire the world created in that specific picture or the underlying message it is trying to tell to its viewer. I will be presenting the visual analysis of a picture, which contains no glittering colors but does have a deep message.
Why the picture is made how it is made
The photographer has made a stunning picture using black and white tones. The message to be taken from this picture is the struggle of a lifetime that a person has to go through and how aging contributes to his struggle (or miseries). To convey this message, the photographer makes use of highlights and shadows stunningly. He puts the background out of focus by keeping it black so the viewer can only focus on the foreground (on the model). A very carefully framed headshot does not give much room to the eyes to wander around in the frame, thus, forcing your eyes to stay on the model.
It was very important to give this picture a low key (lighting) approach yet ensuring that the features of the model's face are clearly visible. This has been achieved with the help of a light source from one side and using some sort of reflector from the other side to lit his face. This approach keeps model's left side (face) completely visible whereas a portion of his right side is thrown into the dark.
As we can see in the picture that the model has a long black and white beard, the photographer intensifies the feelings with the help of black and white tones in the picture. It would have been a misfire if this picture was shot in color and I am sure the photographer was aware of this detail. The black background also helps to keep the subject standout. The usage of grey or white background, as we see in B&W photography, would not have highlighted the features pretty well (Giaquinto 167).
Punctum of the selected image
Punctum refers to the meaning or message a picture is trying to tell (Giaquinto 173). In our case, the photographer uses different photographic techniques to portray the lifetime struggle of a person bringing in the age factor beautifully. Now by techniques, I do not mean that some sort of artificial elements has been brought in use to portray the imagery. It only means the actual photographic techniques such as lighting, framing, composition, form, design, and others.
Elements of design
It may not be possible for me to discuss and elaborate all elements of design here, but some are outlined below such as composition, framing, a...
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