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Investment In Hard Work Through Celebrities Research

Essay Instructions:

The essay should have one introduction, three bodies which give three different perspectives to this topic, and one conclusion. It should have good transaction words. I have a document of the 4 resources I found before, they need to be added into the essay. Or if you can find some other sources that match better will also be great. But the sources should be MLA cited and should be journals or scholar books. Please write it neither too good or too bad. Please do not use complicated words. I am a Chinese student, my grade before is like about A- to B+. So be sure not bring it to good otherwise I think it wont look like mine. The perspectives should not be too deep, neither. Thank you.

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Should Celebrities Be Role Models?
Celebrities are some of the most influential people in the society and most people have debated whether these individuals should be role models. For several years, celebrities have been used to market goods and services due to the belief that they attract a huge proportion of the society. Numerous studies have shown that people tend to develop intricate relationships with celebrities, especially when it comes to the construction of identity (sciencedaily.com). The identity that is formed between celebrities and consumers lead to the development of relationships which influence the decisions which people make when it comes to purchasing goods and services. Businesses know that celebrities have a huge influence on the purchasing decisions made by customers, especially when it comes to formation of personal identities. This paper analyzes three different perspectives which examine the role that celebrities play in the society.
Investment in Hard Work through Celebrities
Studies have revealed that celebrities play a significant role when it comes to influencing young people to work hard in order to achieve their goals in the future. Analysts are of the opinion that hard work plays an important role in influencing people to achieving whatever they set their minds to. This implies that celebrities usually influence people to work hard since they are seen as an example of individuals who worked hard in order to achieve their current celebrity status. According to scholars, young people believe that continuous investment in hard work is not only important, but also necessary, in order for an individual to achieve happiness and success in the future (Mendick, Allen & Harvey 166). According to a survey that was carried out, most people believe that people can become celebrities either as a result of luck or by working hard. This implies that the celebrity status can be earned in different ways, but it is important for an individual to work hard in order to increase the possibility of becoming a celebrity. This is an important factor that positively influences young people to work hard in order to achieve what their role models have attained in the future.
It is important to note that celebrities are usually considered as role models who usually influence young people to work hard if they want to achieve their goals in the long run. Studies have also shown that young people tend to invest in hard work based on what they admire in their celebrities (Mendick, Allen & Harvey 167). In an interview, an individual was asked if celebrities can reach where they are only by depending on luck. The individual said that talent and hard work are important factors that make people to exploit their abilities and work towards becoming better than other people whom they compete with. A good example of a celebrity is Usain Bolt, who is a highly talented athlete. He does not simply depend on his talent as an athlete, but he has to work hard in order to be the best runner, especially when he competes with other talented individuals. In a documentary entitled “The Life of Usain Bolt,” Bolt said that sometimes he trains so hard such that he ends up vomiting (Mendick, Allen & Harvey 166). This is a clear indication that Bolt utilized both his talents and his goal of working hard in order to achieve his celebrity status. It is from this perspective that celebrities influence young people to work hard so that they can be able to achieve their dreams. This implies that celebrities can be role models and have a positive impact on the society. Young people who watch their role models become successful in whatever field they participate in usually work hard in order to achieve the same status as these celebrities.
Celebrities endorse Negative Behaviors
Although celebrities have often been associated with promoting positive behaviors in the society, studies have revealed that sometimes these personalities are used to endorse negative behaviors. A good example is when celebrities are used to market certain kinds of food products and beverages that lead to health complications. A recent study revealed that marketing of certain foods and beverages increases the risk of childhood obesity, and most of these advertisements are usually endorsed by celebrities (Bragg, Miller, Elizee, et al 1). These scholars analyzed the kinds of quantities of food products and beverages that are marketed by music celebrities. They examined the nutritional level of the advertised products and the popularity level of the celebrities who endorsed these products among adolescents. The study revealed that most of the products that are advertised by the celebrities usually have a negative impact on the health of young people. This is because adolescents tend to follow the attributes of their celebrities since they are usually considered as role models. Furthermore, since adolescents tend to follow whatever their role models endorse, lack of power to regulate the use of these products may have a harmful...
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