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The Use Of Comparison / Definition To Write An Essay

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The Use of Comparison/Definiton to write essay

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The use of comparison/definition to write an essay.
The use of comparison/definition in writing an essay is something that sounds easy to implement but is not. This is because definition, though straightforward, entails getting a thorough meaning of a subject of an essay. This subject can be an item, a word or anything else that would be the topic of the essay. The definition should be academic and lengthy. Comparison, on the other hand, is where at least two subjects of an essay like items or words are compared. This comparison will be using standards defined by instructions contained in the essay. These standards are what will be used as the basis for comparison. For a proper comparison, both similarities and differences of the items in question will be considered. The use of comparison/definition in an essay follows some agreed on guidelines. These guidelines are to ensure the essay properly addresses the comparison and definition parts both separately and together. In such an essay, definition is used first. The items are defined individually and in great details. Afterwards, comparison is used to address the similarities and differences between or among the items. I will proceed to look at how definition and comparison are utilized in an essay.
In defining the items to be compared some tactics are employed in researching the items. The research will help the writer to go beyond the simple meanings of the items being compared to their complex meanings. The more complex in meaning items have, the more a writer will have to write about on the items. Some items are known by words that are simple nouns with not much complexity in their meanings. The trick will be to look at the synonyms of the said word that will offer more in terms of complexity in their meanings. The best items with the kind of definition that attracts complexities are ideas and adjectives. But if this does not yield much in terms of writing materials, a writer can always look at the dispute surrounding the subject. If the subject of an essay was a word, for example, dispute can be introduced when the word has more than one meaning. If such a word means something different to different people is even better. This gives a writer more materials he or she can use in writing the definition of items in a comparison/definition essay.
Research helps in not only in giving familiarity to items previously unknown to the writer but also in getting the origins of the items, how they came to be given the names they have and other useful information that will help the writer to analyze the meaning of the items’ definition. The background to an item’s meaning is part of the item’s definition and as such is a rich material for a writer to source from in using definition in his or her essay. For items such as words, their background and origins are the histories of the said ...
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