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Shakespeare is an Essential Guide: Macbeth Relevancy, Romeo and Juliet, Henry V

Essay Instructions:

Using these works by shakespeare; Macbeth, romeo and juliet, Henry V, agree or disagree with the following statement: In understanding life today, Shakespeare is an essential guide. Be very precise about what you mean by “life today.”

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Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Shakespeare is an Essential Guide Introduction Shakespeare works are regarded as the most influential piece that has offered a broader understanding of humanity and moral understanding as well.  Many of his works have remained relevant in life today as they have covered more popular themes such as vengeance, love, power corruption, gender roles, friendship, culture, warfare as well the English language.  In a way, Shakespeare works have transformed the world as he comprehensively covered human emotions, portrayed conflicts and inspired many authors in the field of literature around the world. He achieved a high magnitude of influence by writing plays in four distinct categories, comedies, tragedies, histories and romances, which probed into the realm of human relationships, emotions, and psychology. Many modern things in the life today can relate to at least one of Shakespeare’s plays. Therefore, underpinning with Shakespeare masterpiece of Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and Henry V, it is justifiable to assert that in understanding life today, Shakespeare is an essential guide. Macbeth Relevancy In the tragedy Macbeth, the theme of corruption power of unchecked ambition has highly dominated. This is a phenomenon that is experienced frequently in the modern politics where democracy is constantly compromised (Garber, 18). In the tragedy, Macbeth Ambition and greed to power goes unchecked by moral constraint. Macbeth is portrayed as an audacious Scottish general who is not certainly prone to engage in evil deeds, yet he has extreme desire power and advancement. Without his better judgment, Macbeth went to an extent of killing Duncan incumbent Scottish king, for him to accent to power (Garber 27). In addition, Macbeth went on murdering his acquaintance Banquo to conceal the evidence that could link him to Duncan’s murder (Altschuler and Genovese 26). The destruction twisted when Macbeth planned to kill Macduff, a nobleman who attempted to oppose his accession to the throne, Macduff becomes suspicious of Macbeth, who later had Macduff’s family killed. A vengeful Macduff joins a plot to overthrow Macbeth. From the excerpt, Shakespeare exposes the evils and greed acts that have bewildered today’s politics as leaders are ready to do anything to accent to power. This reveals the states that are ruling their subjects with tyrannical behaviors (Altschuler and Genovese 39). A perfect example of the modern tyrannical ruling is the leadership of Kim Jon Un in North Korea.  Kim Dynasty have sabotaged the democracy of North Korean People over a 50 years where the country has been suffered incidences of war, famine and poverty. Like in under Macbeth leadership, Kim governance pervasive and brutal, which is aided by string internal security and domestic spying agencies (Altschuler and Genovese 82). The North Koreans squabble over jurisdiction while striving to prove their absolute loyalty to the supreme leader. Also, like Macbeth, Kim lives with constant fear of being overthrown, and to prevent it, he practices absolute totalitarianism to control its society as well creating a strong political ruling (Altschuler and Genovese 91). On the contrary many nations are upholding democracy to spearhead the economy and instilling equality within the society, Shakespeare work is a guide to today leadership as it warns about the dangers of dictatorial leadership.  Macbeth tyrannical behavior never pleased many of his subjects, and he was later overthrown. Shakespeare comparison of kingship and tyranny hints components of both good and bad governance that current leaders take into considerations. In the tragedy, Shakespeare constantly referred to Macbeth as tyrant while Duncan was always referred as King. In order to avoid acting tyrannical Shakespeare communicates that leaders should not practice reproachable qualities, develop thirst for personal power (Dutton and Howard 54). On the other hand, through character Malcom, leaders can learn to be learn to act with verity, stableness, mercy, lowliness and temperance.  In contrast to Macbeth, Malcom and Duncan leadership, subjects are treated with equality as there were rewarded based on, merits. According to Shakespearean, a Scotland King ought to be loyal above his own interest. As well, contemporary leaders borrow to push for unity and selfless industry when elected into power (Dutton and Howard 118). Another guide borrowed from Macbeth is the subject of warfare. Today, the some parts of the world are in constant war where they are fighting for political power and resources. For example, the Middle East is characterized by militia groups who are always in wars despite peace keeping efforts to from countries such as Russia and USA (Altschuler and Genovese 103).  In the tragedy, Shakespeare introduce, Macbeth as an embodiment of bravery, strength and resoluteness who believed in war. Although these are quintessential attributes expected from good leaders, Macbeth used it to satisfy his personal aggrandizement. The tragedy starts where Macbeth comes from a war where he has defeated a rebellion (Altschuler and Genovese 121 ).  At one point he beheaded a rebel and hang his head on a hilltop. Macbeth uses threats tactics and wars to overthrow Duncan regime. In this case Shakespeare hints the reasons for frequent conflicts in the modern world (Altschuler and Genovese 174). Leaders can borrow a leaf from the tragedy and learn battles and wars are inhuman and always results into a bad ending ...
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