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Chapter 14: Chinese, Polynesians, and Non-Western Peoples

Essay Instructions:

This is not a typical essay, any sources please cite, thanks. 
Read chapter 15 from:  
Richard W. Bulliet, et al., The Earth and Its Peoples:  A Global History, Fourth Edition (Boston:  Houghton Mifflin, 2007), http://www(dot)scuc(dot)txed(dot)net/webpages/cbaker/ap_world_history.cfm?subpage=28526 (Links to an external site.)
Answer three of the questions posed at the beginning (and end) of chapter 15 in at least four to six sentences for each response.
Pose two questions about chapter 15 and then answer them in at least four to six sentences.
Research an image related to chapter 15, include a link to it, and explain what it is and what it tells us about the time and place that it comes from in at least four to six sentences.
The end product should be at least six paragraphs, around two to three pages in length

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Chapter 14
What were the objectives and major accomplishments of the voyages of exploration undertaken by Chinese, Polynesians, and other non-Western peoples?
Simply put, all the mentioned groups made voyages because they were curious about their surrounding environments. For instance, Bulliet et al., (2007, 413) reveals that available evidence suggests that Polynesians could have settled in the Eastern Pacific islands accidentally, which is an indicator of curiosity. The same author further asserts that the Ming dynasty’s exploration might have been motivated by curiosity. Similarly, African voyages were motivated by sheer curiosity because one African leader sent out sailors with instructions not to return until they reached the other end of the ocean or until their resources were depleted.
Another common reason for most voyages during the maritime revolution was to search for trading opportunities. According to Bulliet et al., (2007, pp. 417), the Chinese decided to explore the oceans with an aim of expanding their commerce. Analogously, the Muslim empires made voyages with an aim of spreading Islam and seeking trading opportunities. Further, the Polynesians made their voyages to find land for settlement. It could also be deduced that some groups made voyages just to fulfill their leaders’ visions. For instance, African and Chinese explorers set out for voyages just because their leader had asked them.
In this era of long-distance exploration, did Europeans have any special advantages over other cultural regions?
According to Bulliet et al., (2007, pp.420), the Portuguese made the caravels, which could cruise the ocean waters faster than other ships. Further, the caravels were smaller and could still sail in rivers. The same ships were fitted with cannons that made them well suited for marine warfare. It is also notable that the Europeans had better weapons and military tactics than their enemies. As evidenced, the Portuguese easily conquered coastal cities apart from Malindi because they had superior weapons. The Spanish conquest in the pacific was also easy because their enemies had inferior weapons. In short, Europeans had special advantages over other cultural regions because of their developed ocean technology and weapons.
What were the different outcomes of Europeans Interactions with Africa, India, and Ameri...
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