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Sexism and Feminism in Pop Culture: Music

Essay Instructions:

The extended argument essay requires writers to engage with five to six related sources and combine the information from those sources with their own ideas to coherently and logically develop a thesis. This thesis may resemble any of the types of claims indicated in our textbook, or it may be a hybrid of those claims, combining two or more types. This assignment also introduces students to discipline-specific databases for scholarly sources and locating print sources in the library. In brief, this is a synthesis essay on a larger scale.

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Student’s Name Tutor’s Name Course Date Sexism and Feminism in Pop Culture Essentially, feminism is associated with women’s subordination and inequality. The society should stop undermining the potentiality of a woman. In my opinion, I rationally think it is time the society stops viewing males and females differently. In the current world, females have portrayed great achievements both politically, economically and socially. Women’s liberation is at stake. For example, a female character is usually degraded in Grand Theft Auto. Do such images have an effect on the society’s perception of females and males? How is sexism portrayed differently in different types of media, films, video, music, television, movies and games? Sexism involves distinctions based on the sex of an individual through a lens of influence in our culture. When comparing the logical forms of sexism experienced in the old days, it is clear that contemporary sexism is often elusive and seems casual. The pay gap often exists along social locations such as ability, race, gender, and sexual harassment. On the other hand, feminism describes international movements to increase consciousness of and the need to eliminate sexism in the society. This has helped to promote economic, political and social rights of persons across the gender spectrum. Gender inequality has continually become a major problem globally. Growing up, females were brought up in a more delicate manner compared to men. As females grow, they notice things around them that disappoint. However, sexism and patriarchy reflect women's raising awareness of the oppression women suffer in the society today (Langer 6). The media has a way of shedding light on gender issues, but feminist movements are coming up with better ways to stir enough controversy in order to be recognized. The media is likely to play a role in determining whether feminism is acceptable in the society. Studying sexism there is much more than merely disliking a female person. Actually, sexism can be classified in three ways which include hostile sexism, ambivalent sexism, and benevolent sexism. In this case, hostile sexism encompasses aggressive attitudes towards and about women. It involves dominative protectiveness in which males are thought to be more powerful than females. Such use of power makes men feel more superior to the extent of seeing women as objects. Benevolent sexism involves protective paternalism where ideally men are thought to depend on women to some extent and in return protect and provide for them. In the current world, music is a part of an individual’s life in the society. Mostly, some of the information conveyed in music follow biased themes such racism and sexism. Prejudice in music has become more predictable, but there is heavy scrutinization of genres more than others. Music could be closely related to issues such as globalization, social movements, and subcultures. However, music can be sexist, which can potentially cause listeners to back up sexist ideology in the society. Increasingly, music has been a medium that projects feminism and its ideals. For example, in the 80s. ‘Sister is Doin' was a song released by Aretha Franklin and Eurythmics, which was considered to be a feminist anthem. Even today it has not been any different, prevalence of sexual assault is still highlighted in the feminist campaigns. Another advertising campaign released in London tubes compared females to property. This was four years after the release of ‘Blurred Lines’ a song by Robin Thickie (MACASKILL). The idea of female empowerment has never been relevant, especially in the popular music culture. Additionally, another song is ‘You Are the Problem Here' by First Aid Kit which was released on International Women's Day. The song was meant to pass a strong message to rebuke racism culture in the society and sexism that still permeates today. Today, much of the general poetry about sexism in music concentrate primarily on rap, hip-hop and the R&B music. Such genres are subjugated by an artist who is discriminative in terms of color. When examined, these genres put more focus on the sexism of white artists while ignoring genres that are subjugated by black artists. ...
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