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The Pop Culture: Sexism in Modern Movies

Essay Instructions:

The extended argument essay requires writers to engage with five to six related sources and combine the information from those sources with their own ideas to coherently and logically develop a thesis. This thesis may resemble any of the types of claims indicated in our textbook, or it may be a hybrid of those claims, combining two or more types. This assignment also introduces students to discipline-specific databases for scholarly sources and locating print sources in the library. In brief, this is a synthesis essay on a larger scale.


Your paper should include a properly formatted header, title, and works cited page. In short, follow the MLA guidelines that we have been working with for previous assignments. If your paper is on a new topic, it should be at least 1200 words. If you’re expanding your old paper, your essay should be at least 1600 words.


1. Identify a Topic. You’ll want to decide on a pop culture related topic before you start writing or researching. Ideally, this topic will be something that you have a personal stake in.
2. Acquire Sources. This step may be swapped with the third step, depending on your writing process. If you already have an argument in mind, select five to six sources that help support your argument. If you haven’t decided on an argument, peruse sources that are relevant to your topic in order to acquire a sense of the ongoing conversations about your topic.
3. Develop an Argument about Your Topic. Your aim with this essay is to produce a unique, persuasive argument about your topic. Your argument should not merely be a confirmation of the arguments in your sources; it should be unique from the points raised in your sources. Your argument may strive to accomplish one of the following goals:

  • Propose a change in area of topic.
  • Identify an effect and make a claim about its cause.
  • Correct or admonish a frequently held opinion about your topic.
  • Illustrate a pattern and make a claim about its implications.

You are not limited to the above statements; if you wish to present an argument that does not fit these templates, feel free to do so.
4. Write Your Essay. This essay will need a works cited page with five listed reputable sources. The sources may be popular or scholarly.

ORSignificantly Expand Your Synthesis Essay. If you wish to continue researching your previous Paper 3 topic, you may do so. You will need to acquire at least six sources, and you’ll also be responsible for writing 1600 words. The original paper should be significantly revised, as well. Do not simply tack on new paragraphs.

Writing Goals:

A successful essay will have the following features:
a clear and concise thesis statement in the first paragraph that addresses the significance of the argument being made
clear and logical organizational structure
Consistent use of direct quotes from your sources to support key ideas
Avoidance of personal reactions/responses

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Course Instructor Date Pop Culture: Sexism in Modern Movies For many years, sex has been used as a determinant of how people are treated or the types of opportunities they are given access to. The past years have seen a lot of discrimination being directed against the women who for a very long time have been perceived as being physically and mentally weak. With the rise of feminism in the modern age, much of these prejudices and discrimination have reduced. However, it requires a lot of effort for the sexism problem to be eliminated completely, especially since the movie industry is still flooded with the notions that women are the weaker sex and hence face limitations in the industry. In this regard, it is important to look at gender inequality in the industry, how women are portrayed on screen and the role the society plays to influence this kind of portrayal and status of the women. The modern movie industry is rife with incidences of gender inequality when it comes to wages, assigning roles and in awards. Concerning wages, Pires (pg. 1) notes that women in the film industry are paid way lower than men, despite performing the same tasks or holding the same positions. The study adds that the wage gap between actresses and their male counterparts in Hollywood is great and that the industry generally does not like the idea of paying women for their work. As Pires (15) affirms, “Hollywood loves leading ladies but likes them less when it comes to how much they are paid for their work.” Based on this there is reason to believe that women in the industry are seen as less deserving regardless of whether they perform well or not and that is why they receive this kind of treatment. When it comes to other roles beyond acting women still get the same unfair treatment and they are given fewer positions in the topmost jobs. For instance, a 2014 research on Hollywood found that among directors, only two percent were women, among producers the percentage was 19 for women and women writers were only eleven percent (Pires 17). The above scenario is unfair to the female gender, especially since research has shown that more money is made from those movies that have females as the lead characters compared to where males are in the lead roles. A study by Sweeney also investigated the same issue of wage gaps in the film industry with particular concern with how different genders were rewarded. According to Sweeney (N.p), male actors who won awards such as the Academy Award, they enjoyed a huge increase in their salaries as a way of appreciating their work. However, the case was different for actresses who won the same award; the reward was nothing close to that of the males. All these factors point towards an industry that heavily discriminates against the women. Sexism in modern movies is shown through the portrayal of women on screen. Women in film are expected to meet certain standards and maintain a particular image failure to which they are subjected to harsh criticism. According to McDowall (N.p), the movie industry insists on appearance and success for any woman who wishes to be on screen. As a result, this has set unrealistic beauty standards, which women have to strive to meet in order to please the males. Even though this is mainly meant for entertainment, this portrayal of women...
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