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Role of Fate and Free Will in The Odyssey

Essay Instructions:

This project is divided into two parts.

First Part Prompt: (at least 275 words)

-Explore the role of fate and free will in The Odyssey. To what extent is Odysseus’ fate determined by the Greek gods and goddesses? In what ways is Odysseus the product of his own choices in life? And what about your life? To what extent are you the product of your own choices? In what ways does your life feel like it’s been influenced by forces beyond your control?

Second Part Prompt: (at least 275 words)

- One of the intriguing details that Homer includes in Odysseus’ homecoming is the brief scene in which Odysseus recognizes his dog, Argos, as he approaches the palace. Consider this depiction on both a literal and symbolic level. What condition is the dog in? How do you think Odysseus feels seeing the dog in such a condition? What does this encounter add to the plot and to our understanding of Odysseus’ character? In what ways is Argos the dog symbolic of Odysseus’s estate, his family, or his feelings about himself?

-----Reading Book: The Odyssey translated by Robert Fagles, Books 15, 16, 17, 18--------

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Part I
In Greek selections, the intervention of gods and goddesses is evident and plays an essential role in the story’s plot. Their decisions regarding a specific character, whether meant to help or punish, heavily affect the happenings in the character’s life. For instance, in The Odyssey, the main character, Odysseus' struggles and other events in his life are caused by the intervention of the gods and goddesses. However, even though Odysseus has free will and uses it to decide for himself, his fate still determines what will happen to him. Meanwhile, in a real-life situation, it is arguable that it is not fate that dictates the events in a person’s life; it is free will. Hence, in the text The Odyssey, fate dominates the characters’ lives, but in real life, it is free will.
The gods and goddesses control Odysseus’ life in numerous instances throughout the text. Some gods punish him for his actions and send him misfortune, but one significant goddess is always on his side. For example, at the story’s beginning, Odysseus is imprisoned by the gods, and when he is about to be released, Poseidon, the god of the sea, sends a storm to hit him and prevent him from returning home. However, Odysseus and even his son are always helped by the goddess Athena. Athena saves Odysseus from drowning in this scene. Athena assists Odysseus in his journey to stop his wife’s suitors in the latter part of the text (The Odyssey, Bk. 17). Thus, it is clear that the decisions of the gods and goddesses have a significant impact on Odysseus’ life. They are the source of his difficulties and the assistance he receives.
Meanwhile, in real-life scenarios, events in people’s lives occur due to their decisions and actions. People must rely on the gods, but faith will remain faith if a person does no...
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