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Rhetorical Analysis and Proposal

Essay Instructions:

E-15 – Fundamentals of Academic Writing

Rhetorical Analysis & Proposal Project


Length: depends on your analysis & proposal/fitting discourse; we will discuss this together

Due dates: first draft ready, 4/6; full draft, 4/12; final submission, 4/29


This assignment requires two parts: the first, a rhetorical analysis—an analysis of a rhetorical situation of your choosing—and the second, a proposal towards the creation of rhetorical discourse that fits your chosen situation. The analysis of the rhetorical situation will take the form of a multi-perspective situation description and analysis, the details of which are below. The proposal will try to address the exigence of that situation by putting forward an idea or action to alter the situation. In other words, the proposal is a plan for (or the actual construction of) “fitting discourse” for the situation.


A thorough analysis and convincing proposal usually takes 6-10 double spaced, typewritten pages. We will work through how to construct a rhetorical analysis together and will do several readings to guide us in constructing the project.


The Requirements:  

Situation Analysis, which can be a written and visual document, should consist of a brief summary and account for 3 specific items:

    • The Context of the Situation
    • The Rhetor’s Perspective
    • The Audience’s Perspective
  • You may use visuals to help support your situation analysis
  • The analysis should follow our discussions on the rhetorical situation and include your thinking on all applicable parts of the rhetorical situation.


Proposal, which can be a written and visual document, should build from the situation and suggest “fitting discourse” for the rhetorical situation of your choosing.

  • The text should be addressed to the primary audience in the rhetorical situation but should take into account any secondary audiences.
  • The text should take the form of whichever genre best reaches your audience.
  • If your text is a proposal, it should make a persuasive argument for whatever fitting discourse you are proposing.



  • Primary audience, secondary audiences, and gatekeepers are defined by your analysis and will be relevant to your rhetorical situation and the research that you find.


Possible Kinds of Situations

You do not have to pick a business/workplace rhetorical situation to analyze, though given the focus of the class, it is a productive idea to do so.

  • Addressing an issue in your community, city, church, or school etc.
  • Increasing efficiency or effectiveness of a program or initiative in your field work.  
  • A difficulty or opportunity in the workplace, e.g. proposing that your company sponsor a charitable event or a community group in need, etc.


Your chosen situation requires my approval before you get fully started.




You’ll need some background information about your chosen type of situation in order to write the analysis, so you may have to do some research on it. In some cases, you also have to imagine some aspects of the situation. The point of the proposal part of this project is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the genre, and how it should be organized as a document.


Your project will be assessed based on your ability to:

  • Cogently and clearly imagine and describe various aspects of the rhetorical situation.
  • Use that description to make an argument for your proposed “fitting discourse,” including the genre in which that discourse appears or would appear.
  • Create a proposal in accordance with the conventions appropriate to the genre.
  • Make and implement effective writing choices and attempt careful editing. (Think style, syntax, punctuation, spelling, and formatting.)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rhetorical Analysis and Proposal
Rhetor Perspective
The perspective of the writer is based on a concern over the prevalence of anti-Asian rhetoric in a subreddit community I contribute to. Since the emergence of Reddit as a publicly accessible tool of communication tool, people all over the world have openly expressed their opinions and views. Unfortunately, individuals and groups with radical racist agendas have turned the social network into a medium for propagating their ideologies and pursuing the targets of their hate. It is becoming increasingly difficult to enter into any contemporary Reddit web forum without encountering an image, video, meme, or post that employs racialized difference to humiliate or demean an individual or a group. These messages are often ingrained with humor and present a joking relationship of control between the perpetrator, the target, and the bystanders. This intolerance is often veiled and may ooze unconsciously out of the messages posted on the communities. Some members of the subreddit community I contribute to have regrettably started posting their self-aggrandizing posts against Asians in an open and forceful manner. These individuals’ conceit in their heritage has made them intolerant of other people different from them.
Reddit has been repeatedly criticized in the past for its lax policies on hate speech and racism. Various subreddit users have accused the company for its lack of action against users posting racist content and threads filled with white supremacy rhetoric. In 2017, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman was embroiled in a bitter controversy revolving around his network’s policy on moderation of hateful content. After up to 1,000 propaganda accounts tied to Russia were discovered on the platform, Huffman was asked if obvious open racism, including racial slurs, were contrary to Reddit’s rules. The CEO, lamentably, did not find any issue with racist rhetoric on subreddit communities and even defended users’ right to express extreme beliefs. Fortunately, he later recanted his position on the matter and has even penned several letters to employees and users that the company no longer tolerates racism. Still, subreddit web forums are notorious for their harmful rhetoric targeted at minority communities. One particular group that has been on the receiving end of these intolerable attacks is the Asian community.
Since the start of the pandemic when such racist communities as /r/China flu began to emerge, I have been observing increasing anti-Asian rhetoric in a gaming web forum I contribute to on Reddit. Racial slurs and profane words leveled against Asians started emerging after Trump referred to the contagion as the “Chinese Virus”. Even more than a year after the pandemic emerged, the community continues to face hate on the web forum. I have made several requests to some users who have been spewing racist rhetoric in the subreddit community to be moderate in their posts to no avail. Efforts at stamping out the racist and insensitive messages are hampered by the lack of clarity of what classifies under freedom of expression and what categorizes as hateful behavior. Even though Reddit CEO Steve Huffman has been vocal about the company’s rules against racist rhetoric, the company is yet to take any serious action against users who continue to generate discriminatory content in subreddit communities. Unless decisive action is taken to counter this growing trend, minority groups, and especially Asians, will continue to suffer harassment and racism at levels that are wholly unacceptable.
Audience Perspective
Reddit is the primary audience of this proposal because of its failure to effectively police its web forums for racist po...
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