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Rhetorical Analysis of Diversity in "The Difference A Mutant Makes" by Ramzi Rawaz

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Ramzi Rawaz's The Difference a Mutant Makes"

Fawaz, Ramzi. “The Difference a Mutant Makes.” Avidly, 28 Jan. 2016, http://avidly(dot)lareviewofbooks(dot)org/2016/01/28/the-difference-a-mutant-makes/

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Rhetorical Analysis of Diversity in The Difference A Mutant Makes
The difference a mutant makes which was written by Ramzi Fawaz highlights the experiences of the author and the manner that reading the comic book X-Men changed his whole perspective concerning comic books and also the manner that comic books mirror a lot of instances in our daily lives (Fawaz 1). In the text, the author stated that for over thirty years, most American popular comic books such as the X-Men which was released as the eightieth comic book issue narrated the lives, loves, and losses of a group of mutant outcasts that had extraordinary abilities due to an evolution in their genetic makeup (Fawaz 1).
In the emphasis of the importance of diversity, the author highlights that the portrayal of the differences in superhero characters allows the reader to become receptive to the possibilities and distinctions present in the society (Fawaz 18). The author provided an example of a mutation in comic books, and same-sex relationships are not the same things realistically, but they resonate in highly surprising ways.
Purpose of the paper
The text is highly effective as it focuses on the importance of analyzing and understanding the issues of diversity in the society today. The author further highlights characters in comic books and how enthusiasts of comic books must analyze the differences between these characters and how they reflect on the issues of diversity among people from different backgrounds. Through highlighting the concepts of diversity, the paper will analyze the rhetorical elements of ethos, logos and also cultural logic and how the text persuades the reader to become aware of the issues of diversity in the society.
Rhetorical concepts that will be analyzed
The logos behind the story mainly will focus on utilizing facts and evidence to convince the reader of the strength of the arguments highlighted by the author. The ethos behind the narrator will be constructed based on the credibility and the information indicated by the author regarding the importance of the comic book to the daily struggles and identity of people in the society. The cultural logic behind the story will focus on analyzing the stereotypes cataloged in the scenarios the author has been involved in and how they reflect the comic book. Additionally, this will serve as a huge reference in inferring and attributing the motivations that drive the author and the society’s actions as directly portrayed in the comic book being described.
The evidence provides logos in the text indicated how the author initially included identifying with the water goddess Storm and her descent. He identifies with this character and the manner that she was different compared to the other mutants within that group. Fawaz (3-4) highlighted how regardless of the emerging stereotypes and differences in the society, this was no longer an issue in the group considering the manner that Storm rallied behind her comrades. This reminds other comic book enthusiasts and the society that the main definition of their bond is a shared set of values and kinship which was maintained through mutual respect and love.
This description of this character highlights how the author longed for this kind of community not only from his family but also in the society which is pure without any inkling of contempt (Fawaz 3-4). Additionally, this indicates how every person in the society needs to yearn for this kind of community regardless of their backgrounds which promotes diversity and kinship.
The text further highlights ethos through the issue of diversity; the author indicated that regardless of Storm’s diverse background as a female Kenyan immigrant, her ethical considerations and her response towards helping her admiration motivated her comrades for her fellow X-Men. Her familial bond was not driven by their distinct differences and similar ancestry, but by the mere fact that different kinds of people exist (Fawaz 4). As the author continuously purchase...
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