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Review Questions chapters 4, 5 and 6

Essay Instructions:
I an attacting document # 11 through 16 review questions is on document 16 chapter 4 then document 19 through 30 which is chapter 5 and 6 the review question i will have to send to you in a e-mail. Three chapters, one page per chapter. Chapter 5. 1. In what respects are ethnic and religious diversity in the United States related to each other? 2. Is assimilation automatic within any given ehtnic group. 3. Apply Whiteness to German, Irish,Italian,and Polish Americans. 4. To what extent has a non-Christian tradition been developing in the United States? 5. How have cpirt ri;omgs affected re;ogopis expression? Chapter 6 Identily three policies or actions taken by the fereral governmenrt that have significant impact today in the daiuly lives of Native Americans 2. How have land rights been a continuing theme in White-Native Americans. 3. How much are Native Americans expected to shed their cultural heritage to become a part of contemporary society? 4. Do casinos and other gaming outlets represent a positive force for Native American tribes today? 5. What challenges are there to reservation residents receiving effetive healthcare? This is a add on the order # 00022460 Chapter 5 and 6 questions Chapter 4 questions was added in with the order.
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Literature and language
Chapter 4
What are the functions and dysfunctions of immigration?
America’s population is riddled with great diversity of the many races and cultures that live in the USA today. Immigration is one of the contributing factors to this immense diversity. There are a lot of benefits to be accrued from the immigrants that come looking for green pastures in the United States of America. These benefits can be traced to the labor market, where the immigrants provide cheap labor. The other benefit relates to the cultural diversity that the immigrants bring to the society. While these immigrants some times are accorded a chance to live within the new society for long, other time the immigrants are not so luck as they are only allowed to stay on seasonal basis. In most of the countries and not just in America, when there are economic woes, it is the immigrants that are blamed for the slumps. The natives vent the frustration on to the immigrants, especially if they are not employed while the immigrants are working. It is really is a blind sense considering that the jobs these immigrants take are those that the natives are too proud to take up.
What were the social and economic issues when public opinion mounted against the Chinese immigration to the USA?
It hard not to notice the kind of reception some of the immigrants get, from their host societies from time to time. This can be summed up to the dysfunctions that are related to immigration in any society, considering social economic dynamics. In an example, when the Chinese first landed in America, they received a cold shoulder, especially in the times when there were economic crisis. They became the scapegoats for the economic slump, which took place in the last half of the nineteenth century. It was during this period that the quota Acts were brought on board, from the fear that the non-Americans were the cause for their problems. These acts were formulated to give preference of the native, locking out the immigrants. When the Chinese finished the tough tasks of putting up the rail way, the Americans were intimidated by the Chinese hard work and culture. They took a rather absurd, turn by spreading rumors that were very disturbing. At one time the Chinese were accused of spreading diseases. When the Chinese formed unions, the employers and union leaders intimidated them so they could continue exploiting them. The congress in 1882 even enacted into law an Exclusion Act, barring Chinese immigrants for ten years and citizenship.
Chapter 5
In what respects are ethnic and religious diversity in the United States related to each other?
For any individual regardless of the social status, race or their culture, religion and ethnicity are two of the most defining factors as human being. Every person that comes from an ethnic upbringing background will always have their native tongues relating to the religion that they practice in their community. These are factors that can never be written off as easily, since it is not even possible to separate the bonds that any religion shares with the ethnicity background of any person. In an example the polish people have their cultural ethnicity tied to the catholic religious practices. For the polish people, being part of their religion make more sense when one is a catholic than a protestant. Even though, there are other religions in the country, it always feels right for them to follow their cultural and in this case ethnic roots, for that sense of belonging that people derive from being part of a community.
Is assimilation automatic within any given ethnic group?
It is not as automatic as most people may look at it, since in most of the cases the communities involved are much ridged. Host communities may some of the time be the reason as to why the assimilation may be very rough. While in other cases, it is the immigrants who do not feel comfortable assimilating to the cultural practices that they find in the host community. In either case, the community involved wants to keep their cultural practices as pure as possible, away from other cultural diversities.
Apply "Whiteness" to Irish, Italian, and Polish American's.
In the 1800s when the Irish immigrants started coming in to...
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