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Folk and Popular Culture

Essay Instructions:
Provide an essay consisting of the following: 1. Introduction 2. Use Logos 3. Use Ethos 4. Use Pathos 5. Conclusion 6. Works Cited Page Logos, Ethos and Pathos reasoning should be used accordingly in Paragraphs 2-4.
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Fork and Culture
Within a broad perspective of cultural geography, many have attempted to deal with the difference between modern and urban culture, which is extensively influenced and changeable by technical developments and the traditional, and long lasting customs of populations which are marginally affected by urbanization. The terms “folk” and “popular” culture have to a certain extent become problematic since they don’t take cognizance of the issue of mass culture – the culture of the masses, or what is at times referred to as high or elite culture. The popular culture has been seen as a protest against the mass culture that is produced by the middle or elite culture. These views which are quite politicized on the distinctions between folk, popular, mass and elite culture continue to engage many scholars from a wide range of disciplines.
Folk culture is defined as those traditional practices and beliefs held by a small homogeneous group typically living in an isolated domicile or areas. Popular culture on the other hand is found in heterogeneous societies that are large and share certain customs or habits. There have been debates on the origins and diffusion of these two distinct cultures. Folk cultures largely have anonymous locations. Their practices are deeply rooted in the culture which makes it hard to know where and when things developed. On its part, popular culture is usually well documented since it is a new cultural phenomenon. Its origin is in the first world countries such as those in Western Europe, North America or Japan (Reilly, 32).
The globalization of popular culture is bound to cause some inherent and real problems in the society. To begin with, it is a threat to folk culture. Think about it, what the prevalence of popular culture does is that it makes those observing the folk culture at a loss of their traditional values, from the manner dress to things like the role of women in society. Since the popular culture is propagated by the ...
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