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Essay Instructions:
This research proposal letter will be directed to an audience who can create change (Congressman, business administrators, or other similar audience.) In the proposal, you need to suggest a change or a solution to a current problem. As you have already chosen a topic for your research proposal letter in Topic 6 and conducted an interview that will become one of your sources for this letter, you do not need to choose a topic. You must use the same topic that you began researching in Topic 6, and you must use your interview as a source. Your research proposal should be presented in a letter format including the following information: Your full name and mailing address (Note: For privacy reasons, you may opt to not disclose your mailing address when you submit your letter to our graders for review; however, should you choose to mail your letter to your chosen recipient, you will need to include your mailing address, as this is a customary business letter practice.) The date you write the letter A mailing address for the individual to whom you are writing the letter A specific greeting or salutation A closing and your typed name (Note: A written signature is optional for your submission, but should you choose to send your letter, you will need to include your written signature between the closing and your typed name.) To organize this information, follow the format included in the course site in the “Assignments” area. For your researched proposal, follow this organizational framework: Introduction: The Problem Identify the problem, including researched information to explain it fully. You may devote more than one paragraph to describe the problem if needed. To determine the extent of the information you must provide about the problem, consider the letter recipient's understanding of the problem. Body: Your Proposal Explain the specifics of your proposal. What are your solutions to solve this problem, step by step? What is the cost? How is this cost incurred? What ideas do you have for funding your proposal? Justify your proposal. How will your proposal solve the problem? Why is this proposal feasible? Concede or refute the counterarguments: Will the letter recipient have certain preconceived ideas about the subject? How can you address these counterarguments without diminishing your argument? Conclusion: Your Argument Take into consideration your chosen audience and his/her interests. Use persuasive techniques to align your proposal to the audience's ideals. You may use more than one concluding paragraph if needed. You are required to use researched information, including ideas you learned from the interview process wherever it will prove your point. In addition to the interview itself, you should have at least two other credible sources. While in a letter you might use signal phrases (i.e., “As Fugle describes...”) rather than parenthetical citations (“Fugle”), you must include a Works Cited page for this assignment. Since Topic 7 is intended to be an exercise in letter writing, you may incorporate signal phrases as well; for example, you might write: “Fugle, a well-known environmental researcher, explains the problem by...” and then include the citation. As with all college writing, you must include a strong thesis statement and take care to avoid logical fallacies while following the other standards for academic writing. The guidelines for this assignment are: Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 2 typed pages or at least 500 words. Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information: Your first and last name Course Title (Composition II) Assignment name (Research Letter Proposal, Writing Assignment 7) Current Date Format: Standard 12 point font (Arial, Times, Verdana) 1” margins on all sides Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt Underling your thesis statement
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Professor Course Date Proposal to the Congressman Ex-prisoners find it hard to compete in the job market since they are not easily trusted by employees. Employees are hesitant to hire ex-convicts because of the stereotype associated with them. Most employers` fear that their business or organization image will be tarnished (Petersilia 119). Ex-offenders are not trustworthy and this factor hinders them from competing in the job market. An organization or business risks lawsuit if they hire an ex-convict who fails to uphold company ethics towards customers. Every human being deserves a second chance in life for their wrong doing. Ex-offenders find it difficult to reconnect to the society. The social significance of rehabilitation is to give prisoners released from prison a chance to reconnect with the society. The isolation of criminals helps combat criminal acts in society. The outcome of the confinement however is of negative effect on an individual. This is because the society does not accept such individuals warmly due to the criminal records they have. The imprisonment restricts prisoners to social activities and when they are out of prison they become misfits. Released prisoners find it difficult to act independently and freely within the society. Law offenders should be given a second chance in society. The office of the congressman should implement laws that allow felons to join the society without being discriminated for the offenses they committed. The congressman should establish organizations that reconcile felons to the society. For ex-convicts to be accepted in to the community and especially in the job market the effectiveness of rehabilitation should be assessed (Petersilia 119). The penitentiary committee of all correctional facilities should be trained to re...
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