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Research-Based Argument Expansion and Revision

Essay Instructions:

Research-Based Argument Expansion and Revision

For this paper, you will be expanding upon and revising the argument you made in Paper 2. To do so, you must respond to the marginal and summary comments I have left on Paper 2. Keep in mind that this is not simply an expansion; it is a revision as well. Your revision and expansion should entail at least 25% difference from the original document. So, if your paper is already 8 pages, you will still be expected to meet this minimum requirement in terms of revision. Because this is a revision on a previously existing document, I will be grading more rigorously on formatting, grammar, spelling, syntax, and citation.


Page length: 8-12 pages

Revision and Expansion: at least 25% difference from the original document

Number of quality sources: 6-10 total

Number of counterarguments: 2 minimum

Number of Scholarly Sources: 3 minimum

MLA format and citation

Sources, even if not completely academic, need to be reliable and written by some sort of authority on the subject matter. Always inspect your sources before using them.

Questions to get you started:

Has your thesis changed since Paper 2?

What additions might you make to expand your claim?

Has anything changed in your hypothesis, something you may have overlooked previously?

Are there any topics that are closely related to your thesis that would further enhance your previous claim?

Were there subjects you couldn’t include due to length requirements on the previous paper?

What do your new sources contribute to your claims that differs from the ones you used in Paper 2?

How will you address counterarguments?

A strong paper will:

thoroughly address my comments on the previous paper, both marginal and summary.

actively engage with and analyze/critique additional and previous sources.

address and mindfully/respectfully discuss criticism/counterarguments to your own claim.

be free from grammar, syntax, and spelling errors.

format correctly.

cite all sources in-text and in a Works Cited.

Final Notes about Paper 3:

A paper that is mostly or all summary will receive a failing grade.

You must provide a Works Cited and in-text citations for ALL sources you use. Failure to do so is akin to plagiarism. Again, any time you use statistics, quote, paraphrase, &c., you must cite. Remember: if you paraphrase, you need to use your own words.

Do not rely on other people’s ideas for this paper; I want your unique analysis and argumentation. Under no circumstances should you use another person’s analysis as your own.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Gender-Gap in CEOs in the United States
Gender-gap has been a topic of discussion in the US for quite some time; therefore, it is not something new. Like any other country, women in the US are facing the problem of gender imbalance despite having a constitution that advocates and provides equal to everyone irrespective of their gender. To enhance equality, the society should provide equal chances in any work to all citizens regardless of their gender. According to (Miller 2018) in his report, the number of females in CEO positions in the US organizations has declined by 25% in 2018. This raises questions on what has led to the decline and what would be the reasons behind that. This research seeks to expound on the factors that have contributed to the decline and to state the various advantages of appointing female CEOs in the US.
To begin with, women in higher leadership positions have been associated with improved performance, and greater productivity in the organization as stated by (Wechsler 2015) women leaders contribute to the increase in profits in threefold as compared to men running S&P 500 companies. This shows that if women are given the opportunity to lead, companies will improve both productivity and profits than men could do. Increase in profits and productivity leads to other advantages both to the organization and the nation. The shareholders of the company will receive greater shares and investors both domestic and foreign would be encouraged to get into the business. This will create job opportunities for many citizens eradicating poverty which is one of the government's objectives.
The good performance associated with these women is due to their high academic qualifications. According to (Donovan 2015), women CEOs of the fortune 500 companies had more academic degrees in areas such as science and mathematics compared to their male counterparts. Such degrees are associated with problem-solving and innovative skills that the women portrayed. In the corporate world, the success of a company or an organization relies entirely on the competence of the leader. If the CEO, for example, can solve problems and make innovations often, then the company is in good hands, and it is in a position to excel. This will be possible if the companies appoint female CEOs to lead them because they have these skills.
According to (Morgan and Jay 2016), companies with more women in the top leadership positions are more competitive when it comes to company stocks because they outdo their male competitors. Women are good at minimizing costs and maximizing returns which are good for the company. To be able to compete with competitors and succeed, the company requires innovative and sustainable strategies which only women can give perfectly if given the opportunity to lead. As stated by (Belasen 2017), "A woman in management is a framework for sustainable work-life integration." This is true because if women can raise more than one child and take care of the family, then they can also use that ability to sustain and run an organization smoothly.
Companies have been advocating for diversity in the workforce to maximize on knowledge and skills that a less diversified workforce could have. Diversity would be more embraced if women are given equal chances to sit in boardrooms with the rest of the top management of the organization and contribute in the decision making processes by producing the diversified ideas they possess which would lead to the success of the organization. Referring to (Gunter 2017), women should be taken more seriously in the boardroom because they possess an extraordinary skill of doing things. Women are often more careful and mostly they worry about the future hence engaging them in decision-making processes may reduce the problems the company could face in future due to poor decision making. The problem of viewing things in "one-dimension" will no longer be experienced since everything will be diversified.
As compared to men, women have different ideas and different ways of doing things comparing to men. They can multi-task as compared to men who can only do one thing at a time. For example, a pregnant woman can still come to work and deliver effectively and whenever she has family issues running in the head she understands that work has nothing to do with family. However, to men, this would be too much to bear. As stated by (Elsessser 2018), the reasons why women would make the best CEOs are just numerous. Women are mothers, and mothers are ever kind. A female CEO would be kind to her staff, and she will treat them like her children. She will never be unfair to them or mistreat them. She will treat them like her own.
The US among other countries has been in the front line to fight gender imbalance in all sectors. Appointing female CEOs in organizations would be a way of reducing imbalances in the job sector which would be a good move to the American nation. Various organizations such as InterAction, UN Women, ProMundo among others are advocating for gender balancing and equal rights to the girl child all over the world. Promoting women to CEOs would be a way of joining hands with these organizations to fight gender imbalance. Appointing female CEOs would also be a way of building the reputation of the company because it is usually a rare case hence the company will be praised for trying what seemed impossible to other organizations.
Having a female CEO in an organization would earn respect to other women in all departments in the organization. General Motors Company among the Fortune 500 is the greatest American car make and it is led by a female CEO by the name Mary Barra. The company has been doing well and has been appearing on the ranking list since 1955. This shows a female CEO can do perform effectively as stated by (Wechsler 2015). Gail Boudreaux, the CEO of Anthem Company, is also a female CEO. Anthem is an insurance company in America, and it has been doing well under the leadership of a female CEO. In the year 2017, the shares of the company rose to 57% which is about $60 billion. This encouraged investors to join the insurance company and have shared.
IBM Company in America also has a female CEO by the name Ginni Rometty. It is also among the fortune 500, and it is performing well. The company had been striving for five years on hot technology areas such as cybersecurity, cloud computing and many others without success. The appointment of Ginni as the CEO has transformed the company. The company's revenue increased by 4% compared to the previous year. Ginni is adding digital currency referred to as blockchain which will help customers build their digital ledgers. The list of the companies with female CEO and they are doing well in and outside the US is endless, and therefore it is high time for those failing to try and give opportunities of leadership to women and witness the companies grow referring to (Wechsler 2015).
Sexual harassment, especially to the ladies, has been a problem the US government and other countries have been fighting for quite some time. The top male leaders are taking advantage of their positions to misuse women sexually. This comes when a lady come asking for a job opportunity, promotion in work or even salary increment. The leaders misuse the ladies in order to give them these of which they deserve. This problem can only be so...
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