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Effects of Overspending time on Social Media

Essay Instructions:

Final assignment needs to be completed and reflects previous assignments which I have assigned. I also assigned the paper that was written to reflect that assignment.

Final Assignment/English 1A

** this is due the day AND time of your final exam**


●      MLA forma

●      Submit to Canvas

●      Separate your answers by numbers, not essay style

●      Worth 50 points

Overview: By now you’ve reached the last three steps in the research process: Interpret, Report, Repeat. These final steps are designed for you to share information as well as interpret your sources and answer your research question.

Assignment: Answer the following questions in a thoughtful and academic way. ONLY THIRD person point of view ( do not use me, my, we, us, I, you, your…). Please develop your ideas and use complete sentences.


Question #1: (2 points) State your research question again. Example: Does social media cause depression in American teens?

Question #2: (3 points) List the titles and authors of the sources you gathered to answer and support the above question. * Remember you needed FIVE sources in total from the MPC library databases ( use Lecture #9 and Assignment #6 for help). You need 3 primary and 2 secondary sources.

Question #3: (5 points) Make a finalized thesis statement after you have carried out your research. Make sure your thesis is ONE unified statement with indicator words that separate the claim, reason, and concluding ideas. Student example: Social media does cause depression among American teens because it gives them a false sense of reality; therefore, American teens need activities that challenge their intellect and teach them about who they are as a person.

Question #4: (5 points) List with bullet points the main points/statements that you want to prove or illustrate about your topic. Please use complete sentences.

Student example using the above research question:

●      Social media use changes and impacts the teenage brain

●      American teens admit to feeling self conscious after using social media

●      3 in 5 teens admit to being bullied over social media

●      There is pressure on teens to fake who they are on social media

●      Parents do not know enough about social media to help their kids navigate it

Question #5: (20points) In one full college paragraph (7-15 sentences) write about what you concluded from your research. Did you prove your initial research question true or false? What perspectives did you gain? What did you find out? What was the result after you read your sources? Please only write in third person ( do not you me, my, we, us, I, you, your…)

Question #6: (15 points) Please attach a properly formatted works cited page that lists your five sources in alphabetical order. A work cited page has very specific guidelines so you must use the following sources to make sure you get it correct. Cutting and pasting from the database will not work because the databases are NOT in MLA format.


  1. Your “Little Seagull” reader has chapters on research and MLA  format pages with  pictures and specific directions

  2. The “Owl” at Purdue MLA guide Works cited page example

  3.  MLA.org MLA quick guide

  4. MPC library MPC library MLA citation help

  5. Several visuals:
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Research and Social Media
Question #1: Research Question
Is social media one of the factors that led to the increased rate of mental health issues among teenagers and youth?
Social media platforms have become an influential component in the day to day social human lives. In modern society, most teenagers tend to spend most of their free time visiting social media platforms. Nowadays, almost all young people and teenagers have at least one or more social media accounts from several platforms. In essence, social media has been a positive influence, especially for education and interaction purposes. However, most teenagers have become too vulnerable due to overreliance on social media. This has resulted in several negative impacts, including increased rates of mental health issues.
Question #2: Literature Review
1 The role of social networking sites in early adolescents' social lives- Antheunis, Marjolijn L., Alexander P. Schouten, and Emiel Krahmer
2 Adolescent social media use and mental health from adolescent and parent perspectives- Barry, C. T., Sidoti, C. L., Briggs, S. M., Reiter, S. R., & Lindsey
3 Social media and adolescent mental health: the good, the bad and the ugly- Michelle O'Reilly
4 New age technology and social media: adolescent psychosocial implications and the need for protective measures- Shah, J., Das, P., Muthiah, N., & Milanaik, R
5 Increases in depressive symptoms, suicide-related outcomes, and suicide rates among US adolescents after 2010 and links to increased new media screen time- Twenge, J. M., Joiner, T. E., Rogers, M. L., & Martin, G. N
Question #3: Finalized thesis statement
The high prevalence of social media among teenagers resulted in several adverse impacts related to mental-health-related issues like depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and envy that negatively impact their lives.
Question #4: List with bullet points the main points/statements
* Social media have become harmful and distractive platforms which have greatly affected the lives of teenagers.
* Most teenagers have invested their emotions into social media, making it a bad influence on their mental health.
* Most teenagers have been misled by the posts and images they see on social media.
* There is an increased rate o...
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