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Representing Ourselves Facebook, The Problem Of Loneliness

Essay Instructions:

Original instructions: The argument is a useful part of everyday life. Arguing effectively involves many elements, one which is the audience's perception of the writer/speaker as a credible person. In that case, perhaps we should consider how we present ourselves to others. Are we aware of the impressions we make in our writing, on our social networking pages or in other areas? In this essay, we will analyze a rhetorical situation in which we represent ourselves through something we've created. Reading, thinking about, and discussing argument and rhetoric will give us useful tools for analyzing the rhetorical situation and the arguments we present to the audience through logos, ethos, and pathos. You can analyze your facebook an argument you wrote or some other representation of yourself to an identifiable audience. Analysis questions: No matter which option you choose, your essay needs to explore and analyze a representation of yourself that you created. Please address these questions: What is the audience for this representation of yourself? when you created this document/site/whatever, did you consider the potential audience? What kinds of thinks did you consider and how did your thinking about the audience affect the resulting product? Analyze the item as if you had never seen it before. What ethos or persona emerges from this presentation? Where do see logical, emotional and or ethical appeals? How effective do you think these appeals will be for the audience? How accurate is this representation? Does it reveal the real you? If the audience or rhetorical situation changes, or if you wanted to present a different side of your personality, how would you change the document/site/whatever? Now that you know a bit about rhetoric, what changes would improve this representation of yourself and or the argument it presents.?

INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVISION: Please, Can you review the instruction that I originally sent and compare to the example essay that I just sent, please? The Instructor said that I need to analyze and evaluate "Facebook" that I created that represents myself to an audience. The essay should be well developed with examples and evidence to support the point, identify three places where the writer provides relevant, specific and adequate examples or other forms of support.

Also, I need 3 pages without any source. Let me know if more information needed.


Previous Writer cannot finish the revision due to personal problems.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor Name
Facebook -- Representing Ourselves
I was born and raised in a religious family, where people used to discuss ethical, moral or religious values all the time. Honestly speaking, there was a lack of excitement, meanings my parents did not like to sit with me. Instead, they used to spend the whole day in church, and this made me feel bad. When I reached my seven, I developed an interest in cartoons and science fiction films. Throughout my childhood, I kept looking for a sincere and honest friend. Once I wrote a note to my neighborhoods that my parents were fighting and that they should come and get me out of this house, hoping that someone would definitely come. But no one came forward considering that it was a family matter and that they had no right to interfere. Then I wrote a note to a boy of my age who resided in the same colony, asking him to accept my friendship, but nothing could be of help so I had to spend my time alone. Then my father got to know what was going on in my mind. One day, he came to me and said that he would like to be my best friend. I was super-excited to hear that, and soon I found him to be a good friend who was ready to share my sorrows and was always there to help me solve different problems. This was my first attempt to find someone who could help me get rid of the problem of loneliness.
Gradually, I transformed myself and became an open-minded person. I then started looking for a good friend on social media. At 16, I created my first Facebook profile, added a lot of strange people in my friends’ list and began chatting with them regularly. Obviously, I had added some of my cousins too in this list but those who had a negative mind or were habitual of criticizing me for who I am had no room in my online world. I used to share family photographs on both Facebook and Instagram, and with time, the number of friends and followers increased to an extent. I used Facebook primarily for communicating with friends, and when I got a job of desire after completing my graduation, I added some coworkers and clients to my personal profile. After adding those people, I became careful with what to shar...
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