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Report on a the Transcultural or Transnational Popularity of the Project One Film

Essay Instructions:


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Before writing, writer has to read all the requirements and materials carefully after login to my school website account. Thanks!

The example about the "digication", their chosen materials are diverted, all the other movies. But, my chosen movie material is "Kung Fu Panda 3", so please DO NOT use the wrong movie. When writer is writing, PLEASE use the movie "Kung Fu Panda 3".

Contact me right away, in case of any concerns, please don't make any mistakes, Im highly expected.

Note: The topic I filled was not a ideal specific topic, writer has to come up with a real topic after writer READ all the requirements document. Thanks!

Here is how you login to my school website, in order to see the requirements and materials.


2. Click Spring2017-ENG 107 First-Year Composition, and enter to this English course blackboard.

3. Click the project2 from the left side of the page. At this page, you can find all the materials. I'll introduce about the materials, it helps writer to have a better understanding. (the colon in front is the name of the link, the part after colon is the introduction of this link.)

1. Dr. Fazel's Star Wars Digication page: Professor has a uploaded file, it is an example, an out come of how she uploaded her written work and edit it on the page. This is for writer to know how he should edit my digication after writer done the writing.

Dr. Fazel's Star WArs Digication page, under this section has a link called Dr. Fazel's Digication Teaching Portfolio. After you click in, you can see 6 example from those outstanding student's work, and how they uploaded the written work and edit it. ( Writer can reference on how it should be looks like when writer is editing my digication)

2. Project Two Grading Schema: This is the grading standard, please the writer help me to strive for 100% grade.

3. Purdue OWL MLA Formatting: This is a link to Purdue University's Online Writing Lab. If you have any questions about MLA Format or want to check your citations, this is an excellent resource. (MLA format, writer should know this)

4.FAQs Design Pages:These are the pages I recommended in class on Monday. Please be familiar with the design recommendations listed.

5. Digication Design Information :This link will take you to the offical website of Digication and further detailed information on how to upload material onto Digications platform.

6.ASU Libraries' Lib Guide for Film Studies :

This is an amazing resource that will help you find awesome sources!

I'm also providing a link to Yale University's Lib guides on film. This link will take you to a page that might help you think about common themes in films. Scroll down to the section that reads:

Works About a Topic, Theme or Character as Represented in Films

7.Citation builder link :This link will take you to a citation builder on North Carolina State University's website.

8.Add text:This link will take students to the free website that allows them to add text to an image

9.Digication Homework Information

10:Project Two Assignment Sheet ( The specific requirements are all inside this document, VERY VERY IMPORTANT. So please follow the professor's requirements to write)


2. Click Spring2017--ENG 107 First-Year Composition, enter the blackboard of this English course.

3. Click the tools - digication from the left hand side

4. Click Qun Huang ENG 107 spring 2017 940, and then you can see my digication! After you get into my digication, please help me to edit the written work from you. Then send it to the column of project 2. Thanks!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your University
The Transcultural Popularity of the film Kung fu Panda 3
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
March 26, 2017
During its release, Kungfu Panda 3 have been nominated for numerous awards such as the Best Animated film of 2017, Best Visual Performance, and Best Virtual Performance from different film organizations all over the U.S CITATION IMDnd \l 1033 (IMDb). Despite the fact that it did not win any of these prestigious awards, being nominated in even in one (with the film being nominated in eight) is still an immense feat for everyone who have dedicated their efforts for its completion. However, it should be noted that all of these would not be possible without the help of the international community to support it both morally and financially. As according to Box Office Mojo, Kungfu Panda 3 has gathered much of its revenues in Foreign sources (72.5%) as compared to domestic ones (27.5%). In paticular, it was reported that about 378million dollars was received for this movie through international franchise, as compared to 143 million dollars locally. However, since we already know that the movie has a lot to be thankful for the international community for its success, this poses the question, why was it received with such support in the first place? In the opinion of the author of this article, he believes that the film’s popularity is due to the existence of these “taste-communities” as brought about by the aspect of globalization. These factors would then be discussed in the following chapters as well as the plot itself in order to help the readers to gain an understanding of the context of the film as well as to help the author further and support his conclusion.
What is Kung fu Panda 3?
The movie Kung fu Panda 3 is a sequel to the story of Po, a quirky, clumsy, but loving panda who was given the rank of a Dragon warrior in the previous installations of the movie CITATION IMD16 \l 1033 (IMDb.com). Basically, the role of the dragon warrior is to defend the city and to make peace possible so that each and every single citizen could live happily ever after. However, since darkness simply looms in the corners the Po was faced with so much difficulties, and one of them was his desire to know who his real family is CITATION Ken16 \l 1033 (Kenny). Of course, Po knew ever since the beginning that he has to look for his family, since who he was living with is his dad which is a duck. What makes this difficult is that Pandas were believed to be ‘extinct’ for a long time since the villagers rarely sees someone like Po. However, the time came when another panda (Mr. Ping) came about their place and told the villagers that he was looking for his son CITATION Rovnd \l 1033 (Rovi). As Po recognized who this man is, he immediately recognized who he was due to their number of similarities, and thus decided to leave with Mr. Ping and go the place of the Pandas were hidden. Just as how much he wanted to see his original family, he also wanted to learn the secrets of the Chi, an ancient art that only the pandas and the masters of kung fu could utilize CITATION Cha16 \l 1033 (Chang). Po knew how important for him to be able to master the art of chi, not only for his sake, but for the sake of this people, who are trying to escape the villainous and power-hungry, Kai. A once master of the both Kung fu and the art of Chi. However, what Po found out was that the pandas have long lost the ability and thus, everyone could be damaged by the tyranny of Kai. Thus, what Po did, in order to protect each of these pandas who were not in shape, was to train them to fight against Kai. Fortunately, in the end the pandas were able to survive through their sheer effort and Po’s discovery of how the chi was able to defeat Kai.
Kung fu Panda 3’s success
In the film, it is noticeable how many were drawn due to the movie due to its good plot and animation. However, what makes the movie very successful is due to a number of reasons such as; (1) Marketing, (2) Good cast of Characters, and (3) Humor. In the opinion of the author of this article, the combinations of these four led the film towards success in both the national and international community. In the following chapters, the concept of each would be discussed.
Marketing as the Key tool
Just as for any other films out there, marketing is important in order to disseminate information about the film. According to Hudson and Ritchie, the main imprortance of marketing is that it “help increase the number of visitors in all film locations”. With regards to the film itself, the main popularity was due to its intense marketing campaign in social media platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, and Snapchat. One example of t...
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