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Government Regulation of the Added Sugar in Soda

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Research paper about added sugar in soda and its influence to people's health

the article is n research analysis

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Research Paper
Soda is one of the renowned soft drinks in the world. It is considered refreshing as it restores strength and energy of so many individuals. Soda is one of the most used soft drink across the globe, and it contains added sugar. The added sugar in soda is the sugar added when it is being prepared or processed. It is in contrast with the naturally occurring sugar as this is the natural sugar found in unprocessed foods such as milk and fruits. Even though the added sugar has no nutritional value, it aids in enhancing the flavor and color of the drink, sweetens the drink, and also provides energy to the body. A serving soda is equivalent to 12 ounces, and different sodas have different grams of added sugar per serving. For example, per serving lime soda has 37.6 grams of added sugar, cola soda hold 38.9 grams of added sugar, orange and grape tasting sodas hold 42 to 45 grams of added sugar. Individuals should be aware that the more ounces of soda they take, the more the intake of added sugar. When individuals want to identify the type of the added sugar in the soda they will be taking; they are supposed to look at the nutrition facts label on the beverage. Examples of the added sugar include brown sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, honey, invert sugar, maple syrup, maltose, lactose, molasses, and pancake syrup. People are advised to take soda in moderation as it contains high levels of sugars, which can put them at the risk of serious diseases and other health problems. The government of each country or state should regulate the added sugar in soda because it causes obesity, heart disease, gout, cancer, and diabetes 2.
Government Regulation of the Added Sugar in Soda.
Governments of many countries regulate the added sugar in soda. For example, they authorize companies to put warn labels about the negative effects of the added sugar in soda on soda bottles or cans ( Pomeranz). For instance, in San Francisco a city in California it is compulsory for every company that produces the drink to have warning labels on their drink bottles that reads ‘Drinking beverages with added sugar contribute to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.’ The governments of many countries in the world also regulate the added sugar in soda by taxing the different types of added sugar so that they can make it expensive and therefore companies can avoid using it when producing soda because they will find it very expensive. For example, the United States of America increased the tax rate of the types of added sugars by 7% to make them more expensive and discourage companies from buying them. Thirdly, governments regulate the added sugar in soda by commanding companies to limit the amount of the added sugar as much as possible.
Effects of the Added Sugar in Soda
The government of each state should regulate the added sugar in soda because it causes obesity. Obesity is a condition where an individual has accumulated too much body that to an extent that the body fat can have a negative impact on the health of that individual. A study proved that each additional 12 ounces of soda a child drunk every day, the probabilities of being obese elevated by 60% in one and a half years because of the added sugar in it. It has been established that so many individuals, especially in the US, are spending so much on drugs and the rise in the drug utilization is linked to obesity, which is as a result of the added sugar in soda. The drugs are expensive, and therefore a financial strain is posed to many individuals. Research has also proven that those people who are obese are ten times more likely to develop heart disease than those people who are not obese (Klamer). It is, therefore, important for the government of each country to regulate the added sugar in soda so that risk of obesity can be avoided.
The government of each country should regulate the added sugar in soda the drink for it causes heart disease. A nurse health study concluded that individuals who consumed more than 2 servings of soda that contained the added sugar had a higher risk o...
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