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Renaissance Positive Impacts on Art, Science, Society and Economy and Human Thinking

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3) A polished (i.e. you have thought about it carefully and edited it with care for efficiency and clarity of prose) INTRO PARAGRAPH that
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The essay is about the impacts of Renaissance

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Impacts of Renaissance
The Impact of Renaissance
Renaissance is a word derived from French which means ‘rebirth.' Renaissance began in Italy then as bushfire spread to other nations. It was a time of rebirth when there were rapid developments in culture, science, intellectual ability and art (Fieser, 2017). The invention of Guttenberg was during this period. It electrified the spread of ideas rapidly. The spread of ideas engineered the renaissance. This paper suggests that renaissance had positive impacts on the following aspects, art, science, society and economy and human thinking; described as the manifold impact.
Renaissance’s Impact on Human Thinking
Renaissance bettered human thinking (Intellectuality). This was enhanced by an increase of interest on humanism and transformation of education. Earlier on people had less interest on life and they believed in life after death. They therefore, failed to improve their lives believing that they will have better life after they die. The renaissance scholars such as Erasmus, Dante and Petrarch had shown very minimal respect on medieval philosophy and religion. “The main emphasis of humanism was secular education using Greek and Latin classics, many newly rediscovered, rather than medieval sources” (Fieser, 2017 pg.2). They were very prominent humanists, and due to this they harshly criticized superstitious beliefs. They attached a lot of importance to the life people presently lived as opposed to the life after. They enacted ways of improving the present life.
The introduction of scientific concepts led to the set back of the church’s position in the society. It was during this period that people became very critical of the practices of the church. They criticized the meaningless rituals that the church practiced and questioned the church’s superstitions. People insisted that reforms of the church must be implemented. It was a pathway of numerous movements for reforms which led to the church being reformed and promoted humanism.
The concept underpinning education underwent numerous transforms with its base being widened accordingly. Education was purposed to produce an ideal man. The ideal man was expected to learn and appreciate art, poetry, and music among others. Renaissance was an impetus to literature which is vernacular. It was during this time that people started writing language that was common to man. The topics of the writing also concentrated on the interests of the common man (O’Connell, 2010).
Renaissance and Art
Renaissance paved the way for the growth and development of fine art. Art was perceived as a branch of knowledge. It was through art that people could understand God's image and His creation. Through art, they could also understand the position of man in the universe. To Leonardo da Vinci, art was a science which ensured the nature's exploration and discoveries' recording (Conway, 2007).
Art expressed human dignity for instance through the painters like Pietro and Masaccio, architects such as Filarette and sculptors such as Andrea Del Verrocchio. Through renaissance, the evolution of new forms of art as the ones mentioned above such as music, painting, sculpture, and architecture were the pioneers of the growth and development of fine art. After Renaissance, artists started painting more than just the themes of religion. They employed the use of new techniques in their work for instance sfumato and perspective (Conway, 2007).
Music is a form of art; during the Renaissance, it took a new turn. The expansion of patronage in music went beyond the Roman Catholic Church. This made it possible for musical innovation...
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