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Rhetorical Analysis In iMore's Online Discussion Forum: iPhone 8 - Buying It Or Not?

Essay Instructions:

Essay 2: Message Board Rhetorical Analysis
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of rhetorical situations and strategies, as well as your capacity to effectively paraphrase and summarize, by conducting a rhetorical analysis of a message/discussion board debate you will locate on an online forum. 
Assignment goals:
Demonstrate familiarity with logical fallacies (see content on Moodle);
Demonstrate familiarity with ethos, pathos, and logos (see link on Moodle);
Demonstrate ability to structure an analysis of the rhetorical situation and strategies in a brief (900 -1,200 words) essay format.
Demonstrate greater ability with summary and paraphrase
Assignment protocol:
Locate or begin a debate about any topic that interests you on any message board/discussion forum that deals with that topic. For example, if you are a football fan, you could easily locate or start a debate about your favorite team's strengths and weaknesses this season. If you are primarily interested in technology issues, perhaps find or begin a debate about the merits of a particular program, application, cell phone, etc. 
NB: The forum/debate must be in English. 
The number of responses to the topic does not necessarily matter, but be sure that you have enough material to write about for 3-4 pages. If you wish to start a debate, I recommend you initiate several debates simultaneously in multiple forums in order to increase the likelihood of receiving useful content. You can then choose the best debate for your analysis—but only choose one. 
In writing the analysis, make sure to accomplish the following: 
In your intro, identify and explain the forum's main purpose and target audience. An online forum may have several audiences and more than one purpose. 
Create a thesis that evaluates the overall “character” of the debate you chose. In other words, how would you characterize the debate in terms of tone, style and substance? Provide a broad impression of its major character traits, much as you might a character in a story. 
You must locate as many logical fallacies as possible in the responses you receive. If you receive a very large number of a particular fallacy, you need only provide one or two examples. Of course, if you plan to initiate the debate, the best way to ensure you receive responses loaded with logical fallacies is to have at least one logical fallacy in your initial post. The original post tends to significantly impact future responses. 
You may choose to organize your essay according to examples of the rhetorical appeals, logical fallacies, chronology, or you may invent a new pattern. Whatever organizational structure you choose, it should make sense for your own purpose(s).
Your conclusion can do a number of things, as long as it adds something new and useful to your paper; but feel free to use your final paragraph to elaborate on the characterization you made in your thesis. Do not, however, simply restate or reiterate your thesis. Instead, broaden your claim and maybe provide a new example or two for added support. 
I must have access to the debate. You can provide that access either by including a link at the end of the document you upload to Moodle, or by copying and pasting the content at the end of that document. I cannot accept your essay until I receive access to the debate you have summarized. 
Length and Format: 
Your essay should be 900-1,200 words. You are to use MLA format and include a works cited page with a citation for an online “discussion group or forum” (see Purdue OWL's MLA Style Guide). This paper will not require in-text citations. 
Due Dates: 
First draft: Tuesday, September 26. Post to “Peer Review Forum” on Moodle by 1:35 PM
Final draft: Thursday, September 28. Upload your file to “Essay #2 Final Draft Drop Box” on Moodle by 1:35 PM
Important!!!!!!! Use the two additional materials as references!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please do not use my last writers and arrange a writer who can read the requirements of the first time I find that request is not easy to read the article written also more than 70 points If you do not choose this way you wrote: (In trouble

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rhetorical Analysis in iMore's online discussion forum on: “iPhone 8: Buying it or not?”
iMore has created an online forum for the discussion of the next new big thing in the iPhone series, presumably iPhone 8. Apart from the discussion on the next new big thing in the life of iPhone, the forum seeks to show a reflection of the Apple company’s performance regarding communication technological innovations. Besides, the forum is a true mirror of the company’s ratings by their esteemed customers and the globe in general. In this particular forum, the discussion is whether the participants will buy the new phone or not. Neither before the launch of the product nor the confirmation, if iPhone 8 will be the signature name of the gadget, many varying opinions have been expressed in the forum. Surprisingly, the discussions have recorded global opinions from most of the Apple's loyal customers.
In this dynamic global society, technology keeps on changing at a swift pace calling for an upgrade in order to stay relevant and meet the technological expectations. Innovations make what's excellent today good tomorrow and better the day after. Yes, it is without a doubt that phones control a lot in the modern world. Besides, a lot of extra values have been attached to the type and series of a phone an individual uses at a particular time. In the same way, the reasons for owning a phone varies a lot from person to person and from time to time. To some, phones are basically for communication while to some it is also a reflection of an individual's social class. The truth is, phones are majorly used for communication, that is, for sending and receiving text messages and calls. Hypothetically, communication is relative. There are different ways of communication. These ways can include calls and text messages as described above. The can also include emails, and communication in through social media like Twitter and Facebook (Brownlee, et.al., 1).
The Logical Fallacies
According to (Wu, et.al., 3), It is imperative to consider all the above-described factors when deciding to choose a communication device. Linking your choice to one or two reasons could be limiting, unfair and not reasonable. In the forum, many persons express blind praises to the innovation with willing support for it. Going by their opinions, it can be assumed that iPhone 8 will hit profits very few hours after the launch. Some of the ...
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