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Reflective essay 2

Essay Instructions:

I want essay with three body paragraph, introduction and conclusion. I answered the question what I want. Now I am in ESL, 91 My class met order the same essay so can you write different essay for each of us, and use easy word and vocabularies for both of u, My class met order #00027964. Reflective Essay: Some Things to Consider Do not simply give your reader a list of what you have done this semester. That will not get you a good grade or even a pass if your portfolio is weak overall. We are looking for a critical appreciation of your work. As you look back over the essays you have written, look critically at your work. 1. What topics did you find most or least challenging? Why? Sourced essay – Virtual friendship this is my first time to do citation - This is challenging 2. Have you learned to plan ahead with an outline, brainstorming, research, etc.? Did writing short journal pieces online or elsewhere help to clarify your ideas or help to improve the fluency of your writing. If you were given a topic you knew very little about, could you produce a piece of writing on it given time to prepare? Why, or why not? Give examples of when you had to do any of these things to prepare for an essay. Yes, I will create two sides of the story, agree or disagree. This will help me to choose what part to write about depending on the information I have entitled 3. Have you learned to organize your essay into paragraphs with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion? Do you know how to write a thesis and relevant topic sentences? Have you learned to develop each paragraph fully or is that still a problem? Do you understand why it is necessary to fully develop a paragraph in an essay? Explain. Find examples from your writing to offer as proof. Yes, it is necessary to fully develop a paragraph in an essay to enable the reader follow you through the essay and at the same time understand your stand or view about the given topic 4. What types of essay have you focused on in this class? What aspects of them gave you trouble or that you found easy? Why. Give examples. Argumentative essay, opinion essay with sources and I had trouble with citation, but it was not difficult to write thesis statement fore me. 5. What aspects of vocabulary did you find most challenging: word forms, academic vocabulary, use of transition expressions? Give evidence from your writing. Use of academic vocabulary and transition expression 6. What aspects of grammar did you find most challenging: verb tense, tense consistency, verb forms, word forms, usage, sentence structure, use of various types of clauses, e.g. noun clauses and reporting verbs, adjective clauses, conditionals, gerunds, infinitives, etc. How have you attempted to incorporate what you have learned into to your writing? Give examples. Adjective clauses, conditionals, noun clauses and reporting verbs. I did some work in Quia to help me in also I am using my book Writing Clearly Third ed. 7. Did you use any outside sources such as research studies, articles from newspapers and magazines in your essay as evidence or proof of your points? How did using these sources add to the effectiveness of your support for ideas? Did you use them with any signal phrases such as “ In the article, xxxxxxx”, John Thomas, professor of sociology at Harvard, writes that…… or according to John Thomas, professor of sociology at Harvard, ….. Yes, the use of sources helped me in supporting my argument. I used some signal phrases too. 8. Can you write a Works Cited List that contains the material cited in your essays? Yes 9. Is your grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and usage of the English language sufficient to enable you to write reasonably fluently within time limits? Yes 10. As you think about your strengths and weaknesses with respect to writing, what are you going to do to improve your skills. Are you going to read articles and analyze their form to see how the writer writes effectively? Are you going to make a point of reading widely and keeping a journal of your reactions? Are you going to question what you read and not accept everything as an established fact? Are you going to read opinions that may vary considerably and compare them so that you can form an opinion of your own? These are all skills that will not only help your writing but will enable you to function well in the American workplace and society where it is expected that you will challenge the status quo and come up with new and creative ways to deal with problems. Conclusion I believe that I am capable to go to IA

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Reflective essay
Writing is a practical phenomenon, which has always been a matter of interest to me. Nevertheless, I have to admit that weaknesses are part of life, and therefore there are some areas where I still find challenging in essay writing. I understand that writing is a realistic experience that needs to be implemented continuously. I realized this secret and I worked on it. Eventually, I got interest in writing essays.
I have been writing many essays and this experience has helped me planning my work. Before I work on any essay writing, I always make an outline, brainstorm vital ideas to I want to illustrate and carry out research to come up with enriched information. Improving fluency in English language is an imperative task that I have to do. I ensure that I read a lot. I read various reading materials published by various talented authors to understand how they creatively developed their works. I read journals, story books, articles and newspapers. This has enabled me develop vocabulary and grammar. Through essays that I have been personally writing, I understand that writing is an art work. It has to be consistently practiced to master writing techniques.
Reading widely has helped me garner diverse information and come across various issues and updated information. Due to diverse exposure, I can comfortably write topics that are considered complex. Research skills enable me garner significant information, which I use to build ideas concerning a specified topic. Writing a complex topic has not been a difficult issue to me. I simply need adequate time and thorough preparation to deliver efficient work. I have developed fluent language, effective grammar and enhanced research skills. With these resourceful skills at hand, I can develop and wr...
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