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Lord of the flies

Essay Instructions:

Task: You will be writing a 5-paragraph literary analysis essay in relation to Lord of the Flies. Requirements: Five paragraph essay, Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, MLA format, and 1’ margins. Due Dates: End of the period—May 23—upload essay to turnitin.com • Your final draft of your essay will be turned in through turnitin.com on the due date. Essay Prompts: Please choose one. 4) How does Golding use characters and symbolism in the novel to express his ideas about human nature and civilization-Choose a combination of a character and symbol(s), and discuss their allegorical (see notes) significance in the novel (they must be connected and reveal the same message). Think About: What message about human nature is the strongest in the book and through which character and symbol is this really exemplified? Suggestions: Ralph & fire & conch, Piggy & glasses, etc. Your goal is to analyze how they work to reveal a deeper meaning. 5) William Golding writes: "The theme (of Lord of the Flies) is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. The moral is that the shape of society must depend on the ethical nature of the individual and not on any political system however apparently logical or respectable." In a well constructed essay, discuss the statement in connection to the novel. Avoid plot summary. Instead analyze a central conflict in the novel and explain how the conflict contributes to Golding’s message about human nature/society. Think About: Do you agree with Golding’s quote? Why or why not? What does Golding mean that the shape of a society depends on the ethical nature of the individuals involved? How does this connect to Freud? Which characters/conflicts help show this idea? Why doesn’t the “apparently logical” political system the boys create work? (Don’t try this one if you have trouble with organization!) Helpful Reminders: 1) Creative Title-not Lord of the Flies Essay 2) Formal Tone—no I think, Me, You, We—and NO CONTRACTIONS! 3) Introduce author and title in introduction 4) Name, Teacher Name, Class, Date, Assignment in top left corner 5) The success of your paper depends on a clear and identifiable thesis 6) You need integrated quotes (quote introductions and taglines) with proper citations (see handout) 7) You must have at least 3 quotes, one in each body paragraph 8) Proofread your papers please! Spelling, grammar, and punctuation do count! 9) Please use the comments I have given you on prior essays to help guide you. 10) No Plagiarism (we are quite aware of Spark notes/Cliff Notes). You don’t need these sites or anyone else’s mind; you can do this on your own! Note that any ideas or words taken from someone else without giving them credit is plagiarism; therefore, do not use any outside sources (except a quote for your hook perhaps, which you would have to cite)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
The use of characters and symbolism to express ideas regarding civilization and human nature
This essay is based on the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding. In this essay, the purpose is to provide a comprehensive discussion as to how William Golding uses both symbolism as well as characters in expressing his concepts regarding civilization and human nature. The author of this novel has extensively made use of symbolism and characters in expressing his own thoughts regarding civilization and human nature. Symbols are expressed by Golding using 3 vital objects which are: the eyeglasses of Piggy, fire and conch. Through these symbols, the author illustrates the way in the boys adapt and change all through the narrative. The three symbols also assist in showing the ideals of the boys on various elements including human nature, society as well as the controls in society.
Ralph and conch
Conch is the symbol extensively used all through the narrative. This object was basically a huge shell that Piggy and Ralph initially discovered in the first chapter of the novel, and it symbolizes democracy and civilization. “The conch, we can utilize it to call all other boys. Have a gathering they will come when they hear us” (Golding 16). In calling all the boys on the Island, Ralph blew the conch and they all came together to create a civilization. “By the time that Ralph finished to blow the conch, the entire platform was packed” (Golding 32). Ralph was then voted by the boys as their leader since he called them together and each one of them considers Jack as an unappealing threat. Everyone then utilizes the conch as a right to speak. This is illustrated in the sentence: “Ralph smiled and then held up the conch for silence” (Golding 23).
All through the book, Piggy keeps hold of the conch and he encourages the other boys including Ralph to utilize it every time when Piggy thinks that the civilization is being lost. At some point in the eleventh chapter, Eric, Piggy, Sam and Ralph got to Castle Rock to claim the eyeglasses of Piggy. Once more, Ralph attempts to use the conch in bringing the other boys back to create a civilization. Nonetheless, he does not succeed and he engages in an argument with Jack. In the end, as the argument intensifies, a boulder is levered off the rock and it ends up killing Piggy and smashing the conch. Golding wrote: &ldq...
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