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Football is Made to Unit

Essay Instructions:

Essay Objectives: The purpose of this essay is to write an effective argumentative essay and to practice researching & documentation skills. The objective of the essay is to convince/persuade your audience to see/understand your position on your selected topic. ESSAY SPECIFICATIONS: Topic: You may choose your own topic-- however, there are topics that I will not approve such as those that are too broad or have been overdone (gun control, abortion, gay marriage, drinking age, etc…). The best topics deal with a local or regional problem/issue/topic & are original. • You must choose a topic that requires some type research. • You must establish a position on your topic in a concise manner. • You must get my written approval of your topic by submitting a topic proposal. Research & Sources: This essay will require research appropriate to the topic; sources don’t have to be scholarly; they simply must show your ability to select research appropriate to the topic and purpose. You can use any type of source (book, newspaper, magazine, web site, interview, or field research) that is credible and appropriate for the topic. The best option is to gather as many sources as you can, then choose the ones that are the most fitting. I will review your sources, so have a wide variety of potential sources to choose from. (NO WIKIPEDIA). Minimum of 5 sources. Documentation: You will be using MLA formatting. • You will be primarily summarizing your research sources with very little quoting (15%-20% should be direct quotes ) • You must cite your sources using in-text citations with parenthetical references • You must cite your sources on a separate “Works Cited” page at the end of the essay. Organizing this Essay: • Once you choose a topic, you will decide on the best organization. • Whatever organization you choose, your essay will consist of the following elements: o Introduction: catches the reader’s attention, introduces the topic & ends with the thesis o Thesis Statement: one sentence at the end of the introduction that presents your proposal o Body Paragraphs: identification & discussion of the topic, presentation of your position & its benefits, lines of reasoning (including appeals), evidence from sources, & potential objections. o Conclusion: reinforces the thesis & leaves a lasting impression on the reader o Works Cited Page: a list of sources cited in the essay, formatted per MLA style Format and Submission Specifications: • Length: 4-5 pages (Excluding the Works Cited page) • Double-space • Times New Roman 12 font ONLY / Black font • 1” margins all around – left, right, top, bottom • Normal character spacing (not “expanded”); do not use full justified (even) margins; use left align • Number each page in the upper right hand corner (don’t manually type them in; let your program do it for you) • In the upper left hand corner of the first page only type the following information, vertically, single-spaced: Your full first and last names Course Professor Due Date • Give a creative, but meaningful title that will appeal to your audience ESSAY COMPONENTS & DEADLINE DATES: • Proposals are required, but only on-time proposals will earn points. • The proposal should be in proper format and proofread. Proposal Due: Tuesday, June 3rd. Introduction (first draft) Due: Monday, June 9th • A complete introduction with a clearly stated thesis statement. This should be a well-written introduction. Final Essay is due on June 20th (by midnight) Topic proposal: 10 points Introduction: 10 points Final Draft: 80 points Total possible points: 100

Essay Sample Content Preview:
10th June 2014
Football is Made to Unit
Over decades, Division one footballers have been pouring their absolute entirety into their game they worked so hard for quite a while, after a long time. For quite some time, footballers' affection of the amusement has them to a college where they can show case their capacity and ability. When an individual is at the Division one rank, it is pretty much business, and his/her occupation is to accumulate a benefit for the college. A genuine athlete plays the diversion that their heart wants. Lately, there has been a disputable address that waits in every athlete's brain: should students who play the game get an additional profit by being paid because they are a school athlete? (Schneider, 103)
Thesis Statement
This article talks about the impacts of paying scholar footballers on the college and different athletes. (Yang, 40)
Everyone has had a feeling in the wake of winning a big game. Nothing can destroy the delight and fervor; he/she is large and in charge. In these minutes, nothing matters yet the win and no considered cash or income goes through his/her head. "Something like two percent of secondary school footballers is granted sports grants to contend in school." It is a benefit to get a chance to play at the university level, without taking into consideration be recompensed a sports grant. (Harrison, 40)
This open door ought not to be underestimated. To play at the university level is something all footballers long for and for most; it is the largest amount of rivalry. A school sport is focused around heart, drive, and ardor to succeed in the game and life. In the wake of doing some searching, it is perceived that when inquired as to whether person footballers ought to be paid, the results were part between yes, not particular, and no. (Brooks, 97)
Through personal encounter and exploration, this paper will address a portion of the significant issues that footballers accept are reasons why they ought to be paid. Learner footballers being paid would just make even more an issue for different footballers, scholars, and colleges. (Armstrong, 24)
Before taking a gander at the issues that would happen for footballers being, paid there are profits footballers are as of now getting. Scholar footballers are now being paid from the grant and different profits from the college. The scholarship incorporates educational cost, books, sustenance, and lodging. An article distributed online at ncaa.org states that grants on normal are over $100,000 a year. (Whittingham, 95)
On top of the scholarship, person footballers are given different advantages, for example, open coaches, planning costs, mentors, quality and molding mentors, free agencies, garments, and gear. At a few colleges, all the extra profits that footballers accept can add up to $200,000 over every one of the four years. In the event that the physical grant and all the profits were to be included, person footballers are making over $150,000 a year. (Watterson, 79)
At the point when footballers sign their National Letter of Intent, they are marking an agreement that says that they are going to play for a college or school in return for a gift. Before marking, understudy footballers are mindful that they cannot take additional values from various associations. Footballers are resolving to speak to the college, not their own name. (Kadupski, 51) While speaking to the college, they likewise will speak to the organizations that support the colleges and the group. Colleges could be supported by three sorts of brand names: Adidas, Nike, and Under Amour. Despite the fact that the organizations are supporting the college, they are likewise supporting the individual athlete too. (Postal, 61)
A student footballer can/will receive shirts, socks, shoes, and so forth only for being a piece of the sports group at the college. As indicated by research, more than a large portion of learner footballers said they use seven or more hours a week outside of planned practices, on their game. There is a probability that a few games would get a slice from colleges to pay a portion of the sports groups (Fleder, 80). Not all colleges can bear to pay footballers, and that would bring about different games groups being cut so the college could get the cash. All learner footballers commit the same measure of time, how would it be able to be reasonable to figure out who is paid and who is cut? In the event that groups are cut, it will leave footballers with no game to play and all their...
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