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Reflection on Mill's Utilitariansm. The Principle or Utilitarianism and the State of Healthcare.

Essay Instructions:

Humanities 201 Reflection Paper Guidelines


These assignments will give you a chance to reflect on various topics and problems described in our readings, PRIOR TO class discussions.  They are meant to encourage independent analysis.

 I will email you a set of questions one week before each reflection paper is due.  Questions will come in two parts. The first part of the question is “interpretive” in nature.  That is, you will be asked to describe/explain/develop an author’s position or argument.  The second part of the question will give you the chance to state your own view on a topic. The key point here is to present arguments and reasons that support the view you are taking.

Since the nature of the questions will vary from paper to paper, you must read the instructions of each assignment carefully!


Your reflection paper:
1) Should have your name, a date and a title on the top two lines (single spaced)
2) The body of the paper should be single spaced 
3) Should be 1.5 to 2 single spaced pages in length
4) Should be in 12 point Times New Roman font
5) Should contain footnotes accompanying all citations. (You do not need to provide a separate bibliography page.)
6) Should not repeat the question you are answering
7) Should not contain quotes over three lines long.

Deadlines and other rules:

Please post your papers to blackboard learn and e-portfolio. Also, remember that the purpose of these papers is to allow you to engage with a topic before it is discussed in class; this means that you must keep up with the assignments. I will deduct points for a late paper!  Final point: it is extremely important that all written work is your own.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated – and will lead to substantial reductions in your grade and possible expulsion from the university.  Don’t do this!  Remember: I am always available to talk about these papers with you.  If you are having trouble with a topic – or just want to discuss the question further – email me and we can set up a zoom conference.   

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name
December 7, 2020
The Principle or Utilitarianism and the State of Healthcare
John Stuart Mill's principle of utilitarianism is perhaps one of the most widely debated principles in the field of ethics. This is because due to the primacy that gives to "happiness" and the "good of the many," many would argue that Mill's approach undermines individuals' rights at the expense of the many. Accordingly, this article would like to focus on (1) how Mill's proposition would view the issues in healthcare and (2) my own idea about how these rights should relate to one another. All in all, I believe that despite the 'efficiency' and 'altruistic' approach of Mill's proposition, our human morality would dictate that it is best to balance between individual and collective needs.
Mill's View on the Healthcare Issue
Compared to other ethical paradigms, Mill's approach would suggest that individuals in emergency rooms over the age of 85 should not be given free treatment anymore. It must be noted that Mill's approach focuses on the idea of happiness as a utility as well as the sacrifice of the few for the good of the many. Thus, based on this, Mill's approach would undoubtedly limit the coverage of these free treatments. Let us examine it in greater detail.
On the one hand, Mill's utilitarian idea shows that happiness is the greatest utility and that its pursuit should focus on mankind. He defined happiness as "intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure". Based on this, it is clear that an individual achieves the greatest utility by having no disease or illness (aside from getting their 'wants'). Ac...
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