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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Rhetoric of Fairy Tales

Essay Instructions:

- it is my first week reflection paper for my writing class.

The beginning of the quarter is a crucial time to take stock of your experiences, abilities, and goals as a writer. This assignment asks you to write a literacy narrative, a story about your experiences learning to read and write, the books or other texts that have played a significant role in your life so far, and how you think and feel about reading and writing.

You will come back to this literacy narrative at midterm and again at the end of the quarter as you reflect again on how you have mastered the WR39B class skills and how you've evolved as a writer more generally.

Three rules for now:

1) Spend at least 30 minutes writing your literacy narrative. The most productive reflections will be at least 500 words (approx. 2-3 double-spaced pages).

2) Address as many of the questions below as you can and use as much concrete detail as possible. One of your main goals is to accurately convey your state of mind right now, your current sense of your writing strengths and weaknesses, and your current goals for the course. The more information you provide now, the more you'll have to work with later on.

3) Approach this reflection as a story you're telling about your writing life. What's the beginning, middle, and end (?) of your story as a writer? What are the high and low points of your story? Are there any plot twists, big reveals, or other surprises? Who are the key people and what are the key moments?

Guiding Questions

What do you like to read? How does what you read motivate your writing? Put another way, what topics make you want to express yourself?

What are your first impressions of our theme, "Rhetoric of Fairy Tales"? What do you look forward to reading? What is your favorite fairy tale or a favorite memory involving a fairy tale?

If you're not into fairy tales per se, do you enjoy reading/watching stories involving myths, fantasy, science fiction, or other speculative fiction? Why/why not?

What do you think may end up being fascinating, enlightening, edifying, or surprising about our theme?

What objections, reservations, anxieties, or questions do you have about our theme?

What kinds of images, music, movies, artifacts, literature, websites, or other sources would you like to study in relation to our course theme?

What do you like to write? Do you keep a diary or blog, or comment on social media, or write stories or poems or write something else in your free time? If you don't like to write, what kinds of texts, images, and ideas do you think would make you want to write?

Do you speak another language fluently, besides English? If so, what do you speak? Do you write in it as well?

How do you hope WR39B will prepare you for university-level writing in your major, or in your future career? Or put another way, how do you hope WR39B will help you build on the writing skills you learned in high school or other college classes?

What do you see as your current strengths and weaknesses as a writer? How do you plan to build on your strengths, and how would you like to tackle your difficulties in WR39B?

What kind of feedback have you received about your writing in the past? How helpful was this feedback and why was it helpful (or not)?

How does writing help you learn new ideas and information? If you don't think writing helps you learn, why not?

What do you currently know about rhetoric and/or genre? Where did you learn this information (previous classes, some other context)?

How do you usually tackle a writing assignment? What steps do you follow in your process?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Reflection Paper
I like to write about my personal experiences and everything that goes on in the environment around me as this is my inspiration. Poetry inspires me as it brings out quite deep emotions which an ordinary person can find hard to identify. Writing poetry is also an art that I have mastered with time as it helps me express my emotions. Topics like love, lust, betrayal make me want to express myself. These are extreme emotions and feelings that we deal with each day in our lives. I believe that my writing skills will improve as I will get to learn from my fellow writers and also gain the exposure that I need.
My greatest strength currently is the ability to portray extreme emotion especially love, hate, anger and jealousy. However, I have a weakness in writing about the current affairs and I would like to tackle this weakness by watching news on current affairs more often. This will help me be a better writer at current affairs. In the past, I have received quite some positive feedback on my writing especially in the poetry genre. This kind of feedback has helped me strive to do even better and write more poems and articles. Writing has helped me learn new ideas and information as I get to read works of other writers and view issues from their point of view.
My first impressions of the theme, “Rhetoric of Fairy Tales” were “Why fairy tales?” “Are fairy tales real?” “Was there a time in histo...
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