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Reduce Negative Impact of Police Violence

Essay Instructions:

This is a proposal essay!
Assignment: Define a problem affecting a community that you belong to and research the causes of that
problem. Then, propose a specific solution, taking care to define the parameters of your proposal and
explain how it can be implemented. Finally, defend your proposal by discussing how it will address the
problem and outlining any additional potential benefits. Your proposal should:
• Provide adequate background information regarding the problem you intend to solve. This may
include a description of the problem, a discussion of what makes the problem significant, and an
enumeration of some of the solutions already proposed by others.
• Propose your own solution in a clear thesis statement.
• Discuss how your solution will be implemented.
• Provide support for your proposal by explaining how it will alleviate the problem and by
enumerating any additional benefits.
• Account for and respond to possible objections.
• Conclude by summarizing your proposal, discussing its significance, and offering a powerful
emotional appeal.
Requirements: 3-5 typed pages. Double Spaced. Include the standard assignment block in the upper
left-hand corner (i.e. Your Name / Class Name / Instructor Name / Type of Assignment / Date). Use MLA
style and formatting throughout. Use the appropriate tone for an academic essay, as well as correct
grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This essay requires a minimum of three outside sources. All sources
should be cited both in the text of your essay and in a separate works cited page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Course Code and Name
Instructor’s Name
Type Of Assignment
How To Reduce the Negative Impact of Police Violence on The Reputation of Law Enforcement Agencies?
In the recent past, law enforcement agencies have been in the limelight due to the increased cases of police violence. If such violence continues in society, people will have a negative mentality about the reliability of the law enforcement agencies. Many people would question these agencies’ activities because they protect people, not injure them. Therefore, this paper will focus on the problem underlying police brutality and the possible solutions that can reduce the negative mentalities people have on the law enforcement agencies.
The problem that needs to be solved is the negative impact of police violence on law enforcement agencies. One of the common cases of police violence is the brutality against African-Americans. These individuals have been victims of police shootings and murder regardless of being innocent (Alang, Sirry, Donna D. McAlpine, and Rachel). The police have a major role in arresting lawbreakers. The courts have to determine whether an individual is guilty or not. Therefore, when the police kill an individual without offering them an opportunity to trial is termed as violence. The cases of police brutality have risen at an alarming rate, raising questions about the effectiveness of these agencies in keeping people safe. Many people are unsure of what would happen if they landed in the arms of the police while innocent (Graham, Amanda, et al.). The police should protect people from wrongdoers such as thieves, murderous, drug dealers, and rapists. However, if the police have a reputation for killing innocent people, society would be unsure whether the police would protect them against the wrongdoers. The African Americans have been victims of social profiling. Unfortunately, they are not the only individual affected by police brutality, and therefore, action needs to be taken to enhance the reliability of the law enforcement agencies to protect people.
Among the causes of police brutality are racial profiling, corrupt law enforcement, and inadequate training. Racial profiling is the leading cause of police violence and accounts for the highest number of police violence victims in different states of the US. The African-Americans are more prone to frisks, police stops, interrogations, searches, and observations than the whites (Graham, Amanda, et al.). Such has led to an increase in the number of police shootings. Corrupt law enforcement has also contributed to the rise in police violence cases. The violent actions are carried out by rogue police officers willing to carry out illegal activities in exchange for money.
In most cases, these police officers work for cartels and carry out the killings on behalf of the cartel members. The good cops are also afraid of testifying against the bad cops, and therefore, this facilitates the availability of police officers willing to perform unlawful acts against the citizens. These police officers consider their guns and badges as a source of power to oppress the people they are supposed to protect. Inadequate training among police officers has also led to an increase in the levels of police violence. These factors cannot be blamed on individual police officers but the training agencies. These agencies do not adequately prepare the police officers for the society they e...
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