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Disruptive Manufacturing through 3D Printing

Essay Instructions:

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Conduct your own research on new potential future disruptive technologies.

Based on your independent research on future disruptive technologies, select one potential disruptive technology; describe it in detail and explain why you think is has a good chance to make it to market and how it might impact business and/or society. Please select a technology not discussed in class. Include the website and video links that you studied so others can go to your sources and read further about it.

Hello All,
Future Disruptive Technology: Chatbots and Smart Assistants
One of the fast-rising future disruptive technologies is Chatbots and Smart assistants. The difference between Chatbots and Smart assistants is the level of programming within the machine. Chatbots are preprogrammed to answer and fix specific questions and when faced with a question outside of their programming the service stops. Smart assistants, however, listen to a user’s requests and respond intelligently, not just according to their programs. They also use dynamic conversational flow techniques to understand the intent behind the question and do not just supply preprogrammed responses.
Why I think is has a good chance to make it to market and how it might impact business and/or society:
After reviewing this technology, I think that it will have a great impact on business and societies. From a business perspective having a chatbot assist with getting minor things accomplished like creating purchase orders or scheduling meetings could help with the minor things. Chatbots will also be beneficial to your customers because having this new AI will give customers access to a business 24/7 which can put a worried customer mind at ease. This program also will save businesses to save up to 30 percent in operational cost, every year about 265 billion customer support requests can cost about $1.3 trillion in services.
Smart Assistants are currently in most living rooms across the globe and the number is trending to rise. With this new technology normal household tasks are being taken care of with no problem. This new technology can assist with language barriers, help people with disabilities who cannot use their hands, can water your grass for you. The possibilities of what this new technology can do is endless. I think that the impact is a good impact to society because with so much going on having a virtual assistant keep you on track when your mind is running a mile a minute.



Hey everybody, had a blast discussing with everyone. Hope the summer break treats you well and you are successful in your studies. Discussion below:
The disruptive technology that I thought was interesting was an idea called Voice Pay, similar to e-pay with your phones. Even though it was patented and revealed back in 2007, it just wasn't ready. As annoying that it is to mention the dreaded P-word now, but because of limited physical contact, people are ordering and paying for things online and over the phone. Virtual assistants are now able to order our desires with just a simple conversation and confirmation from owners. Nowadays, the issue is how people will fraudulently impersonate people to order items under our card and with our voice. With Voice Pay, there is the possibility that there will be strides insecurity that we've implemented, such as Irises (eyes) and biometrics (with fingerprints). By ensuring the authenticity of our voices, people can be at ease that the people who are order items and paying with our voice, it's the real person ordering them, not an automatic recording back to them.
Security is the primary concern with voice payments. Keeping information private while going through authentication procedures is a challenge for voice banking. But combining various biometric markers such as fingerprints, irises, and voice will allow creating secure future payment solutions.
One great advantage is seeing other than the security aspect because we'll also be able to communicate with financial institutions, handling more complicated tasks like issuing invoices, paying taxes, getting loans, and renewing insurance. This is important because it will allow us to have this technology wherever we go and not be restricted to humans who are not available at that time. In a way, yes, we can say that they are getting automated in such a way that we are losing human contact. Still, over time, jobs like this can be automated to spend fewer resources, handling more minor issues for a business to allocate their resources in new ways such as this technology. There probably is a lot more to this technology, but I hope to see more of this in the coming years and see how it can transform our interactions with people.

Stay safe,

Areeb Abubaker



Based on your independent research on future disruptive technologies, select one potential disruptive technology.
Streaming entertainment/media sometimes called Over-the-Top (OTT), refers to television, movies, and music that can be streamed directly to people’s internet connected devices.
Describe it in detail and explain why you think is has a good chance to make it to market and how it might impact business and/or society.

Streaming entertainment/media has greatly impacted how people consume media via television, film, and music. I believe that streaming entertainment/media is and has the potential to be disruptive to the film, television, and music industry because people there has been a shift in how people consume media. Obviously, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our ability to congregate in public spaces and as a result, the ways that we consume media have drastically changed. While convenient during stay-at-home order, streaming entertainment/media is disruptive to several industries. For example, consumers are forgoing modern movie theaters and simply streaming blockbuster films from their homes. Additionally, this technology has impacted cable television and broadcast television because people have moved to streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime video. Due to the popularity of these streaming services people are canceling their paid cable television services causing a huge decline in revenue for cable providers. However, I argue that cable providers like Comcast are not hurting for money, but the loss of jobs for cable installers and call center representatives is an unintended consequence/disruption. Streaming entertainment/media has grown so quickly that it has been difficult for television manufacturers to keep up with the advancements. For example, streaming has been available since 2007, but consumers needed both the internet and High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) ports to access streaming services. As a result, the new flat screen television trend fell flat when televisions that did not have HDMI ports stayed on store shelves which caused television manufacturers to lose millions of dollars in revenue all because streaming was impossible. Today, streaming entertainment/media is readily available on any internet accessible device and consumers are watching their streaming services on more portable devices that televisions. Also streaming entertainment/media have grown in popularity because consumers have immediate access from any internet ready streaming devices such as video gaming systems, mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. Therefore, I would argue that streaming entertainment/media will continue to change how and where folks watch TV shows, movies, and listen to music. Similar to the way that streaming music services have disrupted how music is consumed, streaming boxes like Roku and Amazon Firestick have greatly impacted the cable and broadcast television forever changing how media is consumed to the degree that some children will never know what a cable box, a CD, or a DVD looks like.

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Future Disruptive Technology: Disruptive Manufacturing through 3D
Additive manufacturing such as the use of 3D printing is largely enabled by innovations and has a significant potential of disrupting the manufacturing sector. Like many disruptive technologies, 3D printing will cause radical changes in the operation of businesses and industries, and how consumers access their products. Already, 3D printing has made a shift in how leading companies in the world manufacture their products and has reduced the resources and cost in manufacturing. In 3D printing, a physical object is made from a template of a digital design through printing think layers of different materials and then joining them together. Some of the industries that have already benefited from the technology include airline manufacturers, hearing aids manufacturers, and carmakers that use 3D printing in modeling prototypes and mass-producing their products through custom scans. Although this technology has been slow to adopt for mass production, it is believed to become disruptive in the future and will enter the market. The technology is still evolving and is believed to become disruptive both in inventory management and manufacturing logistics industries. 3D printing technology began about 30 years ago, but many still have not realized its potential to disrupt. The growth in digital technologies has only served to propel its spread into newer territories. In general, 3D printing works to enable rapid prototyping in diverse industries and enables items to be manufactured rapidly with reduced cost. Many governments around the world are now investing in R&D on technology that has shown a positive impact on technology adoption and propagation. However, it is believed that as technology makes rapid advancements, 3D printing many challenge traditional forms of IP protection and might facilitate illegal use of 3...
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