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Raw Fresh Foods versus Cooked Processed Foods: Which is better for the Body?

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Tentative Paper Title: Raw Fresh Foods versus Cooked Processed Foods: Which is better for the Body?
Tentative Thesis Statement:  There really is a big difference between eating raw fresh foods versus cooked processed foods.
* Introduction as to why this research is important.
* The irony that while most people agree that raw fresh foods are better for the body and yet most people also eat more processed food than fresh food. Discuss some excerpts from interview with Dr. Marian Alonzo.
* Exploring the topic that there really is a big difference and the difference might even spell life and death. Discussion of modern day diseases and the food connection.
* Exploration of the Research Problem
* Discussion of the lifestyle of modern man which is very fast paced where fast food and processed food has become part of the eating habit. Paraphrase Schlosser`s Fast Food Nation.
* Discussion of toxic chemicals in our food brought about by food processing. Data from various researches and paraphrasing Jacobi`s work.
* Why the Food and Drug Administration does not do anything about toxic chemicals in our food.
* Further exploration of the research questions. Enumerating once again the related research questions to be answered.
* Toxic Chemicals in our food brought about by food processing.
* Examples of toxic chemicals in our food and their effects on the body. Paraphrase data coming from government researches.
* Enumeration of Dangerous Additives in our food official government data.
* Discussion on how many die due to sickness related to toxic chemicals in our food
* Nutrients that are lost due to cooking. Discussion of food microbiology.
* The Advantages of Raw Fresh Food
* Definition of raw fresh food. Paraphrase Catherine Smith`s book on Raw Food Diet.
* Advantages of raw fresh food. Discussion of Jacobi`

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