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Journal 8: outline writing experience

Essay Instructions:
topic is related with the order I alreadly order before Details: Please share about your outlining process. Was this the first time outlining a research paper? If yes, did you encounter any stumbling blocks? How did you overcome them? If you've done this before, did this outlining experience differ from previous ones? Explain. Looking over your outline, does it appear you are going to need to rethink/revise your RP's structure? In what way or ways? If the structure is working, please explain about that in some detail. What, if any, research do you still need to conduct in order to write a strong rough draft research paper? Looking toward next week, please share your daily plan for accomplishing the task of drafting five (5) double- spaced pages plus a works cited list. Which days and times will you likely be working on your paper? Where will you be working (library, desk at home, cafe, friend's house)? Will you be making an appointment (or have you already made) to work with a tutor at the BC writing lab? If so, when? What else will you be doing to keep yourself motivated and on track with writing your rough draft?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Journal 8
This is my first time to do an outline and I have experienced many stumbling blocks. For one, it is hard to make an outline when I have not finished doing all my research. I was pressured to reading all my researches, writing notes, reviewing the contents of my interview, looking at my bibliography. It is hard to do a logical sequencing of my arguments especially because there is still so much to read and there are so many ideas coming in. Sometimes I have to rest and sleep so I could think clearly. I had to take long pauses to absorb all the material I have been researching.
I have looked over my outline and I feel there is a lot of revising to be done but I cannot pinpoint exactly where. I feel the need to introduce my topic well because I have to explain the contradictions and the ironies surrounding my topic. I realized that my topic is not as simple as it seems because in my readings I have come across corporate maneuverings so that we are brainwashed to eat what to eat today even if they are not helpful and even dangerous to our bodies. At the onset I would like to make it clear that I am not an advocate of pure vegetarianism or pure raw foodism. I myself am not pure on raw fresh food. I just want people to be conscious of eating more raw fresh foods a day than processed cooked foods. I also want people to be conscious of the contents of what they are eating so they could avoid toxic chemicals in our food and prevent the onset of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, among others.
However I believe that the structure I did would work. I just need to get my argumentation right. First I need to show that processed foods are not only unhealthy but some are downright dangerous to our health. Then I need to show how cooking destroys the natural richness of food. Then I would show the benefits of raw and fresh foods to the body. Then I would make an expose of the food industrial complex that compels us to eat more processed foods that are less nutritious and toxic. Then I would conclude with an admonition and a call for peop...
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