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Racism and Discrimination: Another Pandemics that Need to be Addressed

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Black Lives Matter
The Roman Empire associated the black color with death. Black is always seen as the color that symbolized evil, violence, and crime. All bad stuff that has ever been mentioned, thought, or done is signified by the black color. This notion has caused so much suffering to people of color. The victims are often innocent people who are only trying to live a normal life just like any other person (Maynard, p. 14). The fate of persons of color is often on a survival mode where they fight to see the next day.
The current situation in the United States of America is that of a recurrent past where some tales never die. Racism is almost like a generational curse that keeps recurring and never stops. Justice for people of color is treated like a secondary need where it is only served when demanded. Many black people have suffered at the hands of the "superior race." There come the tales of slavery, discrimination, and marginalization. The marginalization ranges from justice, education, and health. For example, in the 20th century, one story that stood out was the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Black men were subjected as treatment subjects where they were injected with Syphilis and were intentionally denied treatment from their developed symptoms. The victims were acknowledged only when it was brought to light on the media. The government did not respond and apologized until a massive public outcry after almost seven decades. The story fueled the anti-trust towards the healthcare system among black people because they did not want to be treated as guinea pigs. It is evident today that blacks are in riskier situations to contract or die of diseases that they would have otherwise been diagnosed and treated if they visited healthcare facilities earlier.
In the current Covid-19 pandemic, thousands of people are losing their lives caused by the virus. However, a single case of a black man dying at the hands of a white policeman has gained world recognition. Besides, we have all followed the trail of the culprit and his attorney explained that the victim, George Floyd, was still breathing because he could talk. The question is, "If he was still breathing, why did he die?" The issue of gross incompetence while handling black lives is always questioned. Despite even inclusion in various forms of art, such as using the "F" word to the police, many ask why the fire department has never received the same backlash. The answer is that they do their job as stipulated. There is a popular statement by the actor Will Smith, "Racism is not just getting started, it's just getting filmed." Racism is left unspoken, and over time, less is done to eradicate the problem.
The cause for much attention on Black Lives Matter
Anti-blackness has always been an issue way before the abolition of slavery. It is sad to believe that Abraham Lincoln, who advocated for anti-slavery, was seen as a black people supporter. The majority of the white folks serve as a sign of wealth and a means for economic gain. Many African-Americans bought their freedom to Canada, while others signed themselves as black runaway slaves. Even after abolishing slavery, other issues, such as employment, housing, and representation in art and media, depict that racism is diverse and runs deep.
The Ottawa police took the killing of Abdirahman Abdi lightly as they claimed that it was an accident. The Canadian police president claimed that police killings were prominent in America and not Canada (Maynard, p. 3). The whole issue was dismissed because most Canadians view their country as an abolitionist towards black slavery. Most white people live in the wave of large-scale racism blinded by several good white man stories. The problem did not escalate into violence because the history of discrimination is not popular among Canadians. State violence facilitates the killing of black people, indicating the beginning of violence by the states.
To make the George Floyd protest worse, President Donald Trump took it to Twitter to show his support for military action against black protestors in Minneapolis. Trump's message revealed a more profound meaning towards his own and his supporter's view towards black people. It is easy to link his message to that of a racist officer named Walter Headley in 1967. The message declared war on the black community of Miami, and it targeted young teens age 15-21. The officer's agenda was to promote violen...
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