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Representation of Minorities (African American and Native Americans) in Pop Culture

Essay Instructions:

Choose a topic that explores a relevant aspect (or aspects) related to the theme of “The Myth of Popular Culture” and write an argument of at least six (6) pages in length arguing an original thesis. You may argue a thesis specific to one text or you may compare multiple texts but it is in your best interest to keep your thesis as specific as possible. Your thesis should be backed up by specific discussion of evidence pulled from the text(s).

You may choose to write on any text that involve the themes of the course. If you want to write entirely about a text that does not appear on our syllabus you must talk with me in advance. For clarity, in the context of this course, poems, songs, films, tv shows, novels, plays, paintings, architecture (and much more) are all considered texts.

I am hoping to see some original thesis on things that interest you, but for the sake of examples I will be happy to discuss topics in class

Papers should be 12 pt Times New Roman double spaced with “normal” margins. You do not need a title page. Pages should be numbered.

Most topics will require some outside sources, but I am not requiring a “minimum” or “maximum” number. Meanwhile, make sure that your argument drives the paper. All outside sources should be properly documented and you should attach a works cited sheet to your paper.

You will be given a lot of leeway on topic choices but you are strongly urged to talk to me about your topic in person as soon as possible. Do not put this paper off if you want to be successful!

Also, by all means, avoid qualitative arguments. You cannot successfully argue taste or opinion. Saying something is “great” (or “awful”) does not get us anywhere.

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you the freedom to address a specific argument (or thesis) that relates to whichever text, theme, or idea moved you the most this semester. This paper is a chance to do what you want to do…to explore what interests you. I am not naïve enough to think that any paper topic would “excite” anyone, but this assignment is a chance to talk about something you find to be relevant to you—to your set of interests, your personal expertise, your own major/discipline. Surely there is something from some point in the semester that interests you to some degree. Find it, and make an argument. That is your assignment.

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The Representation of Minorities (African American and Native Americans) in Pop Culture in the 19th Century
Popular culture or pop culture, as it is commonly known, has become so pervasive in contemporary societies to the extent that it influences the attitudes, beliefs, and values of individuals regarding certain topics and issues (Storey 24). Pop culture is a movement that generates likable trends that are quickly taken up and absorbed by the public. However, while pop culture is so influential today, the concept remains controversial among scholars who seek to define it and describe what it entails. This challenge is worsened because some of the trends and emerging issues in popular culture are almost like a passing wind as they do not last long enough to be studied before they are overtaken by new trends (Ashby 12). As a result, there is no mutually acceptable definition of popular culture.
Nonetheless, pop culture is superficially considered to encompass different practices, beliefs, and objects prevalent in a society at any given time. At the heart of all these is the mass appeal, which includes the feelings, attitudes, and activities generated through the interaction with the dominant objects' mass culture. Given the critical role of popular culture in shaping the attitudes and beliefs of individuals, this essay argues that in its formative years, pop culture was used to reinforce negative views about minority communities in the US in the 19th century.
Popular culture, which emerged from the 19th century, has transformed into an influential aspect of contemporary societies over the years. This is primarily aided by mass media and other agents of globalization, such as the internet and other communication technologies. However, in the 19th and the early parts of the 20th century, the power and influence of pop culture were restricted to popular shows, such as Buffalo Bill's Wild West shows, World Fairs and Exhibitions, and in some important political events. A majority of the critical stakeholders in pop culture in the 19th century were White men (Ashby 12). This fact is essential in understanding trends in popular culture since the 19th century. This is because most of these trends seem to reinforce stereotypes that strengthen the superiority of white males over other people. Native Americans and African Americans have either been left out or played a minimal role in contributing to some of the popular narratives and values that help to define America's greatness and the country's promises to the world. America is portrayed through pop culture as a perfect place full of promises and prosperity to the American people and visitors (Ashby 13). Pop culture, therefore, is important to the development of American values and ideals to the entire world.
In the 19th century and during the first part of the20th century, pop culture played a significant role in representing Native Americans and African Americans as either heroes or villains and as threatening figures, or nonthreatening, depending on the circumstances. Most of the elements of popular culture such as music, movies, and magazines for the more significant part of the 19th century presented minority groups like (Storey 27) African Americans and Native Americans as objects of derision and sympathy. These minority groups have, for the large part, been exiled from some of the popular narratives that have shaped the perception of American and its culture to the world.
a) Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show
The Wild West Show was a popular traveling theatre performance led by Buffalo Bill. The show, which ran between 1833 and 1913, was very influential at the time, both in the US and in the East, in terms of shaping the perception of America and the American culture (Blackstone 41). The main objective of the Wild West Show was to promote the American culture as the ideal culture and the best lifestyle. The show introduced many different American performers to a global audience through tours across Europe into the East, where the show has a large following. The show is engraved in American history for its role in enforcing a positive image of America and the West to the world (Blackstone 63). The content of the show portrayed life in the West as exciting, outright wild, and adventuresome. In fact, the image of the West, as it is known today, owes a lot to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.
Basically, the show ran for about three to four hours and consisted of various parts that focused on a reenactment of history and displaying showmanship (Karson 21). The show included common elements of the American lifestyle and culture during the 19th century, such as racing, sharpshooting, hunting, and racing. The performers acted in various historical scenes, such as early settlers defending their homesteads and the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Most of the performers were cowboys, Indians, scouts, Mexicans, and a few other men from other backgrounds (Karson 38).
Buffalo Bill's show is notable for incorporating Native Americans, African Americans, Mexicans, an...
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