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Racial Injustices Against African Americans in Chinese Protest Recipes by Clarence Kwan

Essay Instructions:

Genre Analysis Rubric Criteria Argument Excellent The essay develops a complex, insightful interpretation about how key genre conventions in the chosen text address a particular discourse community and/or a relevant context. Claims are presented clearly, rely on persuasive, subtle reasoning and a nuanced reading of the text, and engage thoroughly with other perspectives or counterarguments. Ratings Good The essay develops a credible interpretation about how key genre conventions in the chosen text address a particular discourse community and/or a relevant context. Claims are presented clearly, rely on sound reasoning and an accurate reading of the text, and engage consistently with other perspectives or counterarguments. Competent The essay develops an adequate interpretation about how key genre conventions in the chosen text address a particular discourse community and/or a relevant context. Claims may be imprecise or unfocused, but they are still arguable, rely on acceptable reasoning and a mostly accurate reading of the text, and acknowledge other perspectives or counterarguments. Non-Passing The essay fails to develop an interpretation about how genre conventions in the chosen text address a particular discourse community and/or a relevant context. Claims may be unclear, overly simplistic or inarguable, illogical, convenient, off-topic, insufficiently developed, built on significant misreadings of the text, or disengaged from other perspectives. Evidence & Analysis Excellent Textual evidence is compelling and insightfully framed within the argument Analysis is sophisticated throughout, and relies on specific details to describe nuanced relationships between genre conventions, stylistic choices, purpose, audience, and/or context. Summaries are purposeful and support analytical thinking. Good Textual evidence is appropriate and sensibly framed within the argument. Analysis is coherent throughout, and relies on clear details to describe relationships between genre conventions, stylistic choices, purpose, audience, and/or context. Summaries are usually purposeful and support analytical thinking. Competent Textual evidence is sufficient to support the argument, though at times clumsily framed. Analysis is usually coherent and focused on relationships between genre conventions, stylistic choices, purpose, audience, and/or context Summaries support analytical thinking, but may displace more specific detail. Source Integration Excellent Primary and secondary sources are smoothly integrated into the argument, offering purposeful support without overwhelming the writer's own voice. The writer makes nuanced choices about when to quote and paraphrase. All sources are properly attributed in MLA style. Good Primary and secondary sources are appropriately integrated into the argument, offering effective support without overwhelming the writer's own voice. The writer makes effective choices about when to quote and paraphrase. All sources are properly attributed in MLA style. Competent Primary and secondary sources are adequately integrated into the argument, though they may offer inconsistent support or occasionally overwhelm the writer's own voice. The writer may struggle to make effective choices about when and how to quote and paraphrase. Most sources are properly attributed in MLA style. Non-Passing Textual evidence is insufficient to support the argument. Analysis may be vague, obvious, incoherent, or unconvincing, struggling to describe relationships between genre conventions, stylistic choices, purpose, audience, and/or context. Aimless summary may dominate the essay. Non•Passing Primary and secondary sources are inappropriately integrated into the argument, frequently fail to support the writer's claims, or frequently overwhelm the writer's own voice. The writer struggles to quote and paraphrase accurately, which perhaps leads to patchwriting. Sources may be improperly attributed. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Genre Analysis: Zines
Zine: Chinese Protest Recipes by Clarence Kwan
Knowledge creation is a continuous process that is also witnessed through zines. A zine is a self-publication motivated by the need to express one's self-opinion. Zines are not for profit-making and often tackle a single societal issue. Clarence Kwan wrote Chinese Protest Recipes. It sensitizes the public about racism against black people in America, but the message applies to any form of racial discrimination worldwide. This piece analyzes zines using Chinese Protest Recipes. It argues that zines express genuine concerns using plain and uncensored language, making them able to raise genuine emotional concerns about a societal issue. Besides following most conventional rules, Kwan deviates from the rules to ensure readers understand the topic. The choice to use black and white images and a general theme is creative because it symbolizes the black race that has faced racism for a long time.
Zines are short publications that are done covering a single topic. These topics are often human interest and trending stories. Zines are not regulated by any authority, giving zine authors the freedom to express themselves freely. They are also short because they cover a single issue. The short length ensures that the author comprehensively and clearly covers the topic. Zines often have images that reinforce the written messages, thus making them more attractive and easy to read.
The zine Chinese Protest Recipes was inspired by the racial injustices against African Americans. It was written by Kwan, a Chinese, protesting the racial injustices against the blacks in the US. Although it subverts the conventional rules in other instances, the zine utilizes fundamental zine conventions. First, the zine addresses a single issue of racism based on the Black Lives Matter movement following Floyd's murder. Kwan gives three primary objectives of the zine while introducing it. They include supporting Black Lives Matter, raising awareness about racism and white supremacy, and resisting through Chinese foods (Kwan, 3).
Secondly, the zine is free and can be accessed online without paying. This is a fundamental characteristic of zines that conforms to non-commercial values. Authors of zines often want to express their views on various societal issues without putting boundaries, as seen in magazines and newspapers, which state agencies control. Chinese Protest Recipes can be accessed online for free through https://meat.studio/Chinese-Protest-Recipes. This ensures that it reaches a wide audience, thus achieving a greater impact on protesting racial injustices.
Thirdly, the Chinese Protest Recipes zine is short and comprises only 43 pages, covered with written texts and images that explain various racial injustices targeting black people. The 43 pages include many images of various food types and those of people believed to be carrying out racial injustices. The font is also big and well-arranged and differentiated between titles and regular texts. The presentation within the 43 pages is clear and concise, addressing two issues at ago. One can pick some cooking skills and learn about racial injustices that must be resisted in the contemporary world. Kwan achieves his objective in the few pages by creating a global impact. Therefore, these cover the convention rules of zine preparation where it should cover a narrow subject in a short length.
However, the zine Chinese Protest Recipes takes a unique approach by using cooking to relate to the racial injustices. Traditionally, zines take a single subject matter and cover it comprehensively due to its short length and coverage. Contrary to this, the Chinese Protest Recipes covers recipes and cooking but addresses racial injustices simultaneously. The approach displays a high level of creativity on Kwan's part. The zine was produced in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic was at its peak worldwide, including in America, Europe, and Asia. This means that physical demonstration and picketing were impossible due to the COVID-19 containment measures. This made Kwan creatively invoke his cookery profession to protest against racial injustices faced by black people and those of Asian origins in America. This means Kwan subverts from the zine preparation conventions covering a single topic. He covers two issues in a single publication.
Kwan uses his freedom to employ strong terms in castigating the promoters of racial injustices, who were police officers during the murder of George Floyd. Kwan says, "If you are a cop, you do not have permission to cook this recipe. You are trash people, and you deserve to eat like trash" (Kwan, 12). This passage shows that Kwan believed perpetrators of racism should not enjoy life and interact with other people. Kwan also says, "All cops ...
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